On 6 Oct, 2016 With
Angela Armano, Artist
I am a 46 year old full time administrative assistant and part-time lover of art.
I long to create art while I am sitting at my desk working and think about it all of the time. I get home, take care of the family and it seems art always takes a back seat. Well, I say no more. I want my dream to become a reality of being able to create…
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On 5 Oct, 2016 With
Art Stroke
People say and I also feel that I’m creative. I have many ideas for drawing and painting, but sometimes it’s difficult to implement. I need to learn how to paint and draw, so it would help to become a better artist and fully express myself in art…
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On 28 Sep, 2016 With
Unfinished Piece
I am Jerameel Lu, 25, a hobbyist from the Philippines. I am a Civil Engineer by profession, but Art is my passion.
For now, Art is just my hobby: I’m still busy earning a living as an engineer, so I have little time to work on creative projects. For this reason, inspiration rarely strikes me. My job is internet-based and I work alone in my room on engineering estimates late into the night, and only log-off at 8 in the morning.
Due to lack of proper knowledge about art, I grew up doing portraiture by copying what I see in the picture. At first that was the true meaning of perfection for me, when I can copy what I see, I am good. But not until I wake up one day, watched some of Web Art Academy’s free videos and reality smacked me, I am not good, I am just a human copying-machine…
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On 27 Sep, 2016 With
WANTED: help to become a better artist
I am an adult student who took an interest in drawing after losing a loved one. I wanted so desperately to capture all the things a photo can not.
My passion for art has blossomed in to a joyful place where I am free…
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On 26 Sep, 2016 With
Drawing Gets Me Through Most Days
I spent my entire childhood thinking I would be some kind of scientist. I was smart, I was dedicated, I went to a nerd school and graduated with an Associate’s before my GED. I plowed ahead, thinking that things would be just as easy as they had before – but then life clubbed me over the head and things just sort of fell apart. On the other side looking back, I realize that the one thing that kept me from going completely insane was art. It keeps me grounded and gives me an outlet, and if I were to ever stop drawing I’m sure I would messily explode…
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On 26 Sep, 2016 With
Becoming an artist rather than someone who can draw when they put their mind to it
Well, what’s the difference between being an artist or just being able to draw? I believe an artist is someone who consistently puts time into their craft and is continually refining their skill. I am not an artist. I can draw when the great blue moon strikes and I sit down and really put my mind to the task…
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On 25 Sep, 2016 With
Help art express my soul
My name is Cassiano Grandi, I am Brazilian and I live in Sao Paulo. The art is manifested in my life since childhood, when my teacher father corrected tests and I drew on his side. I’ve always been in love of drawing, painting and music. At 15 I started my career as a model, which touched my interest in photography. At 20, I started my first jobs as a photographer and makeup artist, which are my main profession to this day. My days are quite run, I work and live to learn more, because the fashion world and very competitive, which requires a continuous updating. Today I’m 32 years old, I feel the need to have a take a time to myself…breathe! Then the desire for drawing and painting resurfaced. Unfortunately our country is experiencing a crisis, which makes it unfeasible investments, which makes me study by myself…
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On 25 Sep, 2016 With
My name is Gina. My family consists of 4 adult children who have given me so far 5 1/2 grandchildren (one due in December).
I have always thought I was capable of some kind of drawing/sketching. My youngest daughter bought me some Art lessons which encouraged me to follow my dream of being able to draw my grandchildren as they grow…
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On 23 Sep, 2016 With
Black and White Artist
I am a self-taught artist. I started to appreciate and make art at an early age. But I was using crayons and oil pastel then…
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On 22 Sep, 2016 With
The art of life drawing, the life of drawing
I’m an artist and an art director living in Chicago. I’ve been drawing since being a little boy in upstate NY, and an AD for 30 years.
I draw because I love it and it was a gift given to me by my father’s side of the family. I’ve always been good at it…
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