Art Competition Archive

Artwork by Karin Kuilman

First kiss

At the age of 7 I was always drawing, I remember drawing under my granny’s table. At the age of 17 I still liked drawing and went to art school. In the art school it was all about the idea and never about drawing skills…

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Drawing by Atiba Kojo

Drawing by Atiba Kojo

Move to the next level

I am an older guy really returning to my Art. I have an art degree but I feel like I need to do more studying of a human figure, since my work mostly figurative. ..

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Artwork by Elione Silves Fernandes

Artwork by Elione Silves Fernandes

Escher representation of myself


I’m Elione leon Silves Fernandes. I was born in an archipelago called Cabo Verde and raised in Portugal.

From an early age, I’ve started to copy all kinds of animation drawings; for me it used to be the most stunning thing in the world. However, when I saw Drawing Academy’s videos on YouTube, I was stunned by such beauty, and decided to learn more about the Art and improve my drawing skills!

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Story and drawing by Jasmine Garmony

Jassy’s Art

I am a 29 year old mother of three with an Associate’s in CSI, Bachelor’s in Law enforcement and investigations, and a Master’s in public Safety and Forensic. I am currently working on a Master’s in Psychology and Applied Behavior Analysis.

Art takes a very special place in my life. I can express my thoughts and ideas through my drawings. It’s amazing how drawing can be brought to life…

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Story and drawing from Amrit Thapa

Story and drawing from Amrit Thapa

Art is my passion

I’m Amrit Thapa, an 18 years old guy from Nepal.

I’m in love with Art. I can still remember the first drawing at the age of seven and winning in the weekly drawing competitions. I believe art is everything for me. At the beginning, it was my hobby, but now I want to extend to a professional level…

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Artwork from Enrique Rodriguez

Artwork from Enrique Rodriguez

The knowledge of all things is possible – Da Vinci

I am an 18 year old boy from Monterrey, Mexico, who loves art. I play the piano sing opera and draw. I wish to study art till the end of my days. Oh! And I love to eat.

I still do not know clearly, what place art takes in my life. Nevertheless, as I perfect my art, art perfects me…

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Drawing by Barbara Plezia

Drawing by Barbara Plezia

Art: Take it back

My college degree in Graphic Design didn’t prepare me to become a fine artist as it wasn’t expected of you to draw anything at all. So, as someone who enjoys drawing, I needed to find ways to improve drawing and painting skills either by looking at books or the occasional community art course which can be very practical but presented more questions than answers. My challenge was lack of classic curriculum and absence of masterful feedback…

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Artwork by Dale B.

Artwork by Dale B.

How long do I fight

I am an older individual returning to my artistic leanings after 25+ years in the computer industry. I enjoy researching artistic mediums and understanding the basis for mediums, pigments and methods.

Art is a means for me to express my ideas, mechanically, artistically and humanly…

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Artwork by Juveriya Almas

Artwork by Juveriya Almas

Art from the heART

I am a native of India and reside in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Art is highly preferred here in Saudi Arabia. Presently, I am pursuing my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology.

Art is really close to my heart. After a long tedious day, art acts as a stress reliever to me. I am known among people only for my art…

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Artwork by Eddie Navarrete

Artwork by Eddie Navarrete

My story

My name is Eddie, I’m an 18 year-old guy who lives in Mexico. My interest in art (specially drawing) began when I was a child, but right now it is stronger than ever before.

Art takes a great place in my life. I can’t imagine a place where I’m not able to draw, because this is everything for me…

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