Portrait drawing by Peter Bex

The art of life drawing, the life of drawing
I’m an artist and an art director living in Chicago. I’ve been drawing since being a little boy in upstate NY, and an AD for 30 years.
I draw because I love it and it was a gift given to me by my father’s side of the family. I’ve always been good at it.
The challenges I face are how to make a living drawing and having missed taking any anatomy classes in art school, all the bones and muscles. I’ve tried to teach myself as best I can but know that without that fundamental base knowledge, I can only go so far.
The Drawing Academy would be a perfect opportunity for me to educate myself more about the human body, it’s skeletal and muscular systems.
This is the main reason I would like to win this, I work at a coffee shop and make very little money and so I can’t afford to go back to an art school.
I hope people vote for me because they feel as though I can benefit from this and be doing drawings/paintings that could look much better. I’m 59 years old and would like to be a better artist before I can’t use my hands anymore. I do have more samples if you or anyone is interested. Thanks for reading.
She is beautiful. Your marks really make the picture intriguing. I want to keep looking at it.