Artwork by Shruti Bhalla

Art Stroke
People say and I also feel that I’m creative. I have many ideas for drawing and painting, but sometimes it’s difficult to implement. I need to learn how to paint and draw, so it would help to become a better artist and fully express myself in art.
Art takes an important role in my life. Drawing calms me down, I feel incomplete without art.
Drawing Academy is the place for art students who want to improve their drawing skills. I really want to win this drawing course.
Please vote for me as I need your help to win this competition. If I do, it would be really great and I am sure the Drawing Academy course will help me to achieve better drawing skills. I will be very grateful to all people who vote for me and promise to work hard and do my best efforts to become a better aertist.
Thanks you
Awsome one…
All the best shruti
Beautifully painted!