Artwork and story by Jerameel Lu

Unfinished Piece
I am Jerameel Lu, 25, a hobbyist from the Philippines. I am a Civil Engineer by profession, but Art is my passion.
For now, Art is just my hobby: I’m still busy earning a living as an engineer, so I have little time to work on creative projects. For this reason, inspiration rarely strikes me. My job is internet-based and I work alone in my room on engineering estimates late into the night, and only log-off at 8 in the morning.
Due to lack of proper knowledge about art, I grew up doing portraiture by copying what I see in the picture. At first that was the true meaning of perfection for me, when I can copy what I see, I am good. But not until I wake up one day, watched some of Drawing Academy’s free videos and reality smacked me, I am not good, I am just a human copying-machine…nothing more. Then came the time I felt I have no more passion to finish these photo-realistic portraits, I wanted to achieve a more unique way, I wanted to have some artistic touch on my portraits, but I can’t do it since I lack proper art education.
That’s why I really wanted to have some proper art education, go to a classical art school, to learn the proper way and be inspired in making classical portraits and other artworks of this kind.
Thank you so much, if ever I won, I will be willing to share some of what I learned to the young artists and inspire them too.
Goodluck Master Jerameel! :)
This is amazingly realistic.
wow. i’m always in awe with your artworks kuya.
awesome work