Art Competition Archive

Drawing by Soniya Wankhade

Drawing by Soniya Wankhade

I am student and drawing & sketching is my passion.

I can draw any think that in the case of faces, nature drawing, facial expressions drawings, etc.

I want to learn about the competitions of arts because i have already perfect in my art and I need same help to know how I can face the biggest challenges in art competitions and being winner but it isn’t mean that I haven’t winning any competition I have ability but I need same guidance.

I thinks Drawing Academy is very good job that your doing because of this many artists are rising up and they can show their performance in the front of world.

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Eyes of a Child

Eyes of a Child

Drawing by Kim Sandford

I am a 60-year-old woman, with many years ahead of me. I’ve had the pleasure of taking some art lesson in various mediums many years ago. Some of the types of art I’ve tried include the following; folk art, watercolour, pastels, acrylics, coloured pencils, charcoal, graphite, pottery, ceramics, decoupage, and woodworking. Drawing and watercolor have been my favorite. I enjoy reading art book as well as participating in online tutorials. They give lots of information on the techniques and tips of the trade that are a great asset to my development. However, I am a visual learner so I find my greatest improvement comes from seeing and hearing the explanation in the videos.

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Artwork by Sebastiano Piga

Artwork by Sebastiano Piga

My artworks

At a very young age I was interested in drawing with crayons and felt pen; painted at age 11, even before that, drawing is my first love and I started when I was aged 3 months and 5 years.

Artistic comprehension started at a very early age as opposed to scholastic comprehension! In my ‘Pagella’, year end report in Italy on each student’s gift, agreed I was gifted in art since I was five years old and should pursue such.

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Artwork by Julia Suitter

Artwork by Julia Suitter

Hidden Talent

I am a professional nurse, RN, who decided to pick up a paint brush for the first time last fall.

I love Renaissance art. The rich colors and study of life are amazing.

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Artwork by Mano Bob

Artwork by Mano Bob

Hi there

I’m Mano Bob and I’m from Iran. I’m an interior architect, graphic, sculptor, painter…

For almost three decades not done anything due to some reasons. but I’m sure I would like to start again. Even my eyes don’t have the same sharpness and so my hands.

Drawing Academy inspired me to commence. Nowadays art is everything to me and my canvas is time machine to travel. It’s a big challenge and change in my mind and life. When I’m trying to get better result in my artwork I just feel lack of technical knowledge and don’t know how to achieve I want.

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Artwork by Jim Thomas

Artwork by Jim Thomas

I want to learn classical drawing techniques

I draw since I remember myself. My parents were very supportive and I always had some drawing materials at hand, but when time came to decide what career to have, for some reason I went for engineering, not art. 40 or so years forward, I’m still drawing from time to time and always on a look for some new art courses I could take.

I like traditional art, especially ancient Greek and Roman sculptures, if only I could draw something as good as they were able to create more than 2000 years ago! One year ago I visited Rome and felt in love with this magnificent city. I decided that I must learn classical drawing techniques to draw like masters that used to work in that city.

A few months ago I came across the Drawing Academy online course and immediately understood that this course has so much to offer. Every time I visit this website, I find something new to learn – perspective, anatomy, linear drawings, rendering methods, art history and many, many other things. All this is packed in one place and that is why I really want to win this art competition to become a member of the Drawing Academy course.

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Artwork by Nancy Sanders

I am a retired lady of 74. I have six grandchildren who are all artistic inclined. My art has been part of my life early on, while sitting in a dinning room of my neighbors at the age 14 and following the directions of an illustrator from a local advertising agency. It was all new and exciting. I had no concept at that time what I was trying to accomplish. Fours years latter I was in college looking for electives, I took art history, and finally an art drawing and painting class.

After college I did not do anything with art, until late 1980’s when I started to decorative painting on wood, by reading and following directions in the craft books. I stopped painting for in 1995. After retiring in 2008 for the second time and moving to Fayetteville AR to be with family, I found The Art Location, a small art school teaching watercolor, drawing, acrylic and oil. I started by taking a watercolor class and then a drawing class. I followed with 4 more sessions of watercolor. I found a new medium, Alcohol Inks, which I love very much and take online courses to strength my art.

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Artwork by Suzanne Linch

Artwork by Suzanne Linch

Wooing the ladies

I have a disabling illness, which keeps me at home. So at 62 years young i took up painting, this is the first drawing and painting I did.
I have loved art from an early age, now it fills my days. How ever I really wan to learn the fine arts of drawing, which I need to progress my art.

I think the Drawing Academy, is amazing with so many brilliant lessons for a struggling beginner an professional artists, your never too old to learn.

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Skecth by Raymond Alonso

The creative adult is the child who survived

My name is Raymond Alonso, but the name I use for art is RayLove. I use this because as a kid I was always smiling so it was a nickname given to me. I’m 33 years old living in Miami, Florida and I am the son of Cuban immigrants. I have loved Art and the idea of creating something out of your mind since forever. Some of my earliest memories as a kid were drawing on boxes, walls, my own clothes, just about anything I could. I would create characters and stories and see it all play out in my mind. Honestly, I still do. My first love was comics, and then street art. I also loved cartoons and the one challenge for me was always Portraits. It scared me more than anything to try and recreate something from life, though I would love to conquer that fear.

I would love to learn more about Anatomy, Light and Shadow, and maybe some Perspective.

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Artwork by Deborah Battle

Artwork by Deborah Battle

My New Found Love For Art

I am a disabled veteran. I stopped working in 2004. I started drawing again because I did not want to just sit around doing nothing. I started drawing when I was in the fourth grade.

I am currently working on the last year of school for Doctor of Ministry. It is my hope that once I am finished with school, I want to take some art classes. I plan to finish by September.

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