On 8 Jun, 2018 With
A Silver Lining
I’ve have been paying close attention to the Drawing Academy for over a year now. I’ve been struggling with fighting the worst enemy: myself.
I’ve always wanted to be an artist, but at the same time, I’ve always made excuses not to do it. I don’t know why, but I can’t seem to find the strength to start. I’ve tried it a few times already, but since I’ve never found a place where they teach you absolutely everything you need to know since the beginning, I always end up dropping it. And I don’t want that anymore.
I really want to be an artist!
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On 5 Jun, 2018 With
I am Clinton Artisto. An artist from kibera Nairobi. I started painting when I was in class seven. I have exhibition my work at Nairobi national museum.
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On 4 Jun, 2018 With

I am 49 years old living in Putten in the Netherlands, I love to draw specially people. I think with the course of the drawing academy I can learn a lot.
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On 4 Jun, 2018 With
Hello dear friends. Its Marie Ange again.
I thank all who voted for me in the just concluded Spring drawing academy competition. Though I didn’t win to be part of the academy this time, I still have my dream in front of my eyes. That dream is to learn drawing from a world famous academy so that I can in turn teach art to the many talented street children whom my husband and I minister to each week. We have established art clubs across the city streets of Nairobi and rescue centres and through art these children and young people can have a better livelihood.
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On 31 May, 2018 With
Art Educator, visual artist and Creative Directory Yonas Hailu believe that Artis the highest and truest self-expression of a human beings. Yonas believe that each artists has its own style each has his/ her own style each has its own story to revile his /her story which is so significant and important to the observer.
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On 31 May, 2018 With
As an artist, I love art. I do painting and drawing everyday but I want to learn new drawing techniques.
I believe Drawing Academy would help me to improve my skill sets and fill in the gaps of my knowledge in Fine Art.
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On 30 May, 2018 With
One Perfect Tear
Hello fellow artists!
My name is David, I am a 28 year old student of Classics and History in Germany.
As a child I was terrible at art and thought that only those with natural talent could draw. In school art projects were frustrating because no matter how hard I tried whatever I drew or painted always looked terrible – so I gave up trying and contented myself with doing the bare minimum.
After finishing school I had the chance to visit Rome and enjoy the beautiful paintings of Raphael, Carravaggio, and Michaelango (my particular favourite). I became extremely interested in portraits and drawing the human form. I bought myself a few books on art and started with sketching from photographs. I became fairly proficient at copying and would trace or measure everything I drew.
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On 24 May, 2018 With
By Marie-lyne Morant
I am a wig dresser, I work in the theatre, it isn’t a full time job but I love it. As I also come from a makeup background I have always loved to draw and paint, but on a canvas? I am not sure I would be able to master that discipline.
I can certainly paint a face as art is my life, I work and breath it, backstage I watch my live canvas singing on stage.
As I watch them perform I think, I would like to draw and then paint this artist singing and performing, I would love to capture that amazing moment when they are on top of the world doing what they love, I would capture it on a large canvas and they would be so beautiful.
Then there is the reality, where to start, how to start and do I have the skills, can I learn those skills?
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On 23 May, 2018 With
Life in Food
Hi, I am Jyotsana Sharma and I am an Artist & Graphic Designer. As I Spend my last 5 yrs for art and communicates through my artworks to the society.
Art is time for me and its important like time is important for me in life.
Time: With shrinking deadlines to get an art piece commissioned is the biggest challenge. Art is a creative process which takes time. With so many art tools available, one can get any amount of artwork done in no time. This is frustrating for the real artists because their market is eaten away in this process.
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On 21 May, 2018 With
Freedom to Dance
I have always been interested in Art. As a 19 ur old and pregnant I used charcoal from the fireplace to draw with. I am now retired and am trying to learn to paint in oils and draw portraits. Learn to draw has been a main factor in learning portrait perspectives. I decided to draw this rabbit and push myself to learn to.
Paint fur and shiny ballet slippers. I like to push myself to do things I have never done before and I like to try difficult things.
I would dearly love to win the Drawing Academy course so that I could learn more about portraits and perspectives.
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