Art Competition Archive

Drawing by Carinnes

Drawing by Carinnes


I already enrolled the Old Masters Academy and I am really surprised by the professional quality of the lessons. To do good paintings however I have to learn to make good constructive drawings. As I use my art for expressing my inside world, it is important to me to have a good understanding of the human body, and how the body behaves in a certain position.

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Drawing by Pilar Catlin

Drawing by Pilar Catlin

PILAR! Artist Extraordinaire!

It all started in kindergarten. One of my pictures “ made it” to the wall of art. I knew I would be an artist one day. My mother, also Pilar Clinkscales is a fantastic painter. She has had her work in many local displays, and she use to enter all the duck stamp competitions. She won the turkey hunting stamp in Florida several years ago. I could brag about her forever.

Back to me, I’ve always enjoyed art. I found many different kinds of art.

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Drawing by Donald Aidala

Drawing by Donald Aidala

My interest in art began at an early age when in grade school I thoroughly enjoyed art class, particularly during the Holiday Season when the variety of art subject themes available made it challenging but a fun time to look forward to. Early on, I was always interested in capturing a likeness in a drawing, but never pursued any kind of formal art instruction. It wasn’t until my mother-in-law, some forty years later, encouraged me to draw and paint with more ambition. She herself was an accomplished painter in oils, acrylics and watercolor. It really wasn’t until I retired from engineering in 2014 that I started to take some local formal courses in drawing, watercolor and acrylic painting, and to work in these areas with any consistency.

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Artwork by Aurorah Kelevh

Artwork by Aurorah Kelevh


Like many who are submitting their works in this competition, I was always interested in creating art. Now that I have retired, I can devote more time to my passion. In the past, I have never had time to take any formal lessons but recently I signed up with the I am learning so much about the human form and it’s relationship to creating good artwork. I have a long way to go but already see a difference in my art.

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Drawing by Nancy Jo Braden

Drawing by Nancy Jo Braden


For the moment, art is a hobby. I find that it relaxes my mind, and helps me center my priorities, and see the beauty in all things. Some of the challenges that I have in art, is finding the time, space and creative mindset and being my own worst critic. I would like to learn to draw or paint nature as I see it, and share the joy and solace that art is giving me.

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Artwork by Aurrorah Kelevh-Beard

Artwork by Aurrorah Kelevh-Beard

Green Eyes

Like many who are submitting their works in this competition, I was always interested in creating art. Now that I have retired, I can devote more time to my passion. In the past, I have never had time to take any formal lessons but recently I signed up with the I am learning so much about the human form and it’s relationship to creating good artwork. I have a long way to go but already see a difference in my art.

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Drawing by Andrea Gomez Zimmer

Drawing by Andrea Gomez Zimmer

To be or not to be

My name is Andrea and I am originally from Caracas, Venezuela. Art has always had a special place in my heart. As a child I would sit for hours drawing and coloring in my grandmother’s kitchen while she cooked. Every summer my grandmother and I would paint a mural of butterflies and flowers on the back wall of her garden. My talent comes from my late grandmother, and I feel that art is a a way that I can honor her memory. I now live in beautiful Philadelphia and attended an atelier for a year and half, but had to drop out for financial reasons.

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