On 1 Jul, 2018 With
Filipino Warrior
I am an accountant and have long been in private industry. Now that I am approaching my retirement years (I haven’t retired from business yet although I am already 69 years old), I have always wanted to take up the hobby of sketching and painting.
Since I was little, I used to make my own comic books, papering old notebooks (not the digital ones) with my own illustrations and stories that I made up. My father used to be amazed at the drawings my kid brother and I used to put on the side of his desk with our pencils but he didn’t scold us for messing up his furniture because he was also into art. Comic books especially Classics Illustrated and DC comics (Marvel came later) inspired us a lot to dabble into art. Joe Kubert was a favorite and so was Russ Manning. In our own culture, we also followed Filipino artists like Francisco Coching and Nestor Redondo.
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On 30 Jun, 2018 With
My name is Nasreen,
I love to paint, sketch and draw, it takes me to a different world where I find magical peace.
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On 26 Jun, 2018 With
As I Am: self-portrait from life
I’ve been on this earth for 18 years and been drawing and painting for probably 90% of those. I’m thankful I begin early in life, I believe I had an innate affinity for art which grew into an obsession and desire for mastery that hasn’t left me.
Being able to make art is like having a superpower, one that lets you create illusions of reality using merely a pencil or a loaded brush.
When portrait drawing, it’s vital to capture the subject’s unique subtleties and proportions since the amalgamation of these create a likeness. I’m always missing the mark on these. My submission, for example, has errors like one eye being too high and my forehead being too short.
These days I’m keen to develop my life drawing skills since I understand its importance, giving the artist a true understanding of the subject’s 3D form, as appose to a photo which is 2D and only reveals what the photographer wants. In addition, I want to understand the nuances of perspective, anatomy and figure drawing.
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On 26 Jun, 2018 With
I am a man with great appetite for learning and creating new artistic works.
The art of my life is in a traditional style.
My challenge in art is to create a new style in my traditional arts. Creating a new language for the transfer of old traditional concepts.
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On 26 Jun, 2018 With
I am Mohammad Barangi Fashtami. I was born at Rasht, a northern city of Iran. I studied in the field of art at vocational school and university. I made artwork from my teenager hood. But I concentrate on my passion in art since I started my college. It is about 9 years that I constantly illustrate for book and participate in different festivals. As you know I do illustration as well. I used printmaking as the chosen technique and the result is so well in my work. In this context, I try to professionally pursue my passion in life.my works have been shown and won in so many international and internal festivals and exhibitions.
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On 26 Jun, 2018 With
Born in Southeast Minnesota, I am a contemporary realism and sometimes painterly artist who works primarily in acrylics and watercolors, but I also enjoy working in oils, pastels and colored pencil.
My artistic journey began as a child when I would draw anything and everything on anything and everything I could find. I drew constantly. There was a time when you could even find my artwork on the walls of my father’s dairy barn. Early on, teachers recognized and encouraged my artistic abilities. Eventually, I became the primary artist for my high school newspaper, clubs and organizations. As I grew, I had dreams of being a doctor, but my father encouraged me to attend art school, which I did and acquired my Commercial Art degree and Fine Art diploma.
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On 26 Jun, 2018 With
Rozita Att I’m painting from the age of thirteen to the age of 44. I live in Iran and I studied in this field and got a bachelor’s degree, and I have excellent faculty members living in Iran, but I always feel that there are still some chances I need to learn and are constantly exploring. I’ve been painting most…
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On 26 Jun, 2018 With
Pencil such as instrument
I graduated in B.A visual communication from Al-Zahra University and also M.A illustration at Art University of Tehran.
I started my activity in the field of illustration and graphics since 2009. Cooperating with publications, participating in international festivals and competitions are in my resume.
My art reflects my personal experiences of social issues. Through design and usage of different symbols, I reflect multiple meanings of my mind and a new statement in the design.
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On 22 Jun, 2018 With
Drawing I am an Iranian artist who is interested in drawing and designing academic methods. My first motive was to see a movie from the life of Michelangelo and Da Vinci at the age of nine. I held my first solo exhibition at age 12. There is no Academy of Art in Iran, and there are only colleges of art…
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On 22 Jun, 2018 With
My name is Romeo I need your help to win this drawing course. It is really useful for my career.
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