Art Competition Archive

Artwork by Deborah Battle

Waiting to Enhance My Art

I am a disabled veteran. I stopped working in 2004 and I started doing art again along with Volunteering at the VAMC and school because I did not want to sit around doing nothing everyday. I love doing art, but I realize that I need lessons to improve my work and I want to learn to paint.

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Drawing by Sally Ayres

Drawing by Sally Ayres

Hiking in Yosemite!

I am a retired educator who began drawing about 15 years ago by taking courses with my daughter who had just finished college. It was a time for us to bond. When she married and moved away, I continued. I sometimes work in colored pencil, but mainly, if I am not drawing, I also work with pastels, which feels much like a drawing medium.

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Watercolor by Ginny

Wonderful shadows

I am a self taught artist. I had no money and four babies. Not much spare time to draw or paint. But I started in oils. When the kids thought it was fun to do finger painting on my oil paintings while they were drying, I switched to watercolor.

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Artwork by Vaishali Jetly Goswami

Artwork by Vaishali Jetly Goswami


To me art is present in the form of positivity everywhere, one just need to have an observing eye. Painting an artpiece gives my soul a certain amount of peace. It’s just like a meditation to me.

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Artwork by Keerthi Priya Akkinapuram

KN Creations

I am Keerthi

First I taught myself how to paint by reading anything and everything and practicing on my own.I began by drawing pencil portraits, Influenced by other artists’ work, I started to experiment with watercolors, but I was never truly happy with how any portraits turned out.

I am very passionate about art…

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Artwork by Sassi Berrichi

Artwork by Sassi Berrichi

Good evening

I am an artist, painter and sculptor. I have experience of nearly 25 years. I have held a lot of art exhibitions and have achieved many honorable certificates and got a qualification certificate (drawing and decoration).

Art is everything in my life. The challenges I face in my life I do not have enough money to complete my higher studies of art outside the home. I want to study art academically.

I think that the Drawing Academy is really wonderful. I wish someday to study here.

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Drawing by Ahmed J

I’ll I want to do – is draw and create emotion in artwork. Hey there! I’m Ahmed and I’m 16. I currently live way out in the middle of nowhere in Oklahoma. For me Art has always been the thing I go to when nothing else can, I’ve always been the quiet kid so when I’m finished with my work,…

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Artwork by Oksana

Artwork by Oksana


I think I was born intoxicated by art. I love seeing details noticing something special and trying to reveal it on a paper. I love any kind of arts and consider myself as an amateur that is why I have a lot to learn. I reckon that every kind of artist whether it is amateur, starter or professional – we all should learn.

This Drawing Academy course can teach me different types of making ‘cause I only draw with pencils and sometimes dry pastel. I was always a self- taughter and I really need to know the professional level of art.

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Artworks by Christopher Hicks

Artworks by Christopher Hicks

Blue Artist

Art is everything to me. As I child I use to become depressed because I was not able to draw like Michelangelo or Da Vinci. Therefore, I gave up on art because the public education system I attended did not think art was that important to teach and from years of being trapped in “my drawings ain’t getting better hell”. However, my childhood dreams of becoming an artist ate away at my soul.

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