On 14 Apr, 2018 With

Hi, I’m Patricia.
I always loved art but never even tried it until I was almost 40, when I discovered and fell in love with Trompe l’oeil, a particular form of decorative painting. I started taking classes and now, more than 10 years later, I am making it my career.
I paint to bring beauty to empty walls and unused spaces, I believe it uplifts people, and that is my contribution to making the world a better place. However I mostly draw using tracing paper and copying photos. I would love to learn how to draw properly, especially figure drawing, it would improve my art hugely.
The Drawing Academy uses the internet and great art tutors to make art available to the world, it is a wonderful endeavour and I am very grateful for it, I have been receiving their newsletter for years. Please vote for me, help me improve my skills and make the world more beautiful, one painting at a time. Thank you!
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On 14 Apr, 2018 With

The gorgeous queen
I would like to express my enormous interest to get access to the course of How to draw. I suppose it would be a splendid opportunity for me to learn drawing from the beginning. Actually, I am strongly convinced that this valuable would help me in developing my scientific research and academic career.
My name is Souty Adel. I am Egyptian. I have studied conservation of monuments in El Fayoum University, Egypt from 2007 to 2011. The course of my studies included restoration and treatment of different inorganic and organic materials. In 2013, I acted as a restoration specialist at Kom Oshim museum, El Fayoum, Egypt, during this period I have begun my preliminary master study in conservation of artifacts. In the second half of 2013 I have started my academic position as a permanent teaching assistant in Fayoum university for teaching restoration and treatment of oil paintings. It was a big challenge for me to be an oil painting conservator as this field is multidisciplinary. In this respect, it is important to study art and chemistry with respect to the conservation science…
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On 9 Apr, 2018 With

I want to improve my life drawing skills
A while back I took art classes in my home town, but since then life took over and I did drawing on and off without any guidance or direction.
My favorite subject is drawing figures and portraits. Finding a model is not always easy, but when I can, I draw obsessively.
The Drawing Academy course is a great place to learn figure drawing; this is what I want to do. The most important thing for me is to have some professional feedback about my art and get clear advise on what to improve. That is why I want to win this drawing course.
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On 6 Apr, 2018 With
The tiger in water
My name is Maryan. The art is everything in my life. I like the wildlife painting and specially extinction animals. I learn art by master mr Behzadian.
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On 4 Apr, 2018 With
My name is Marie Ange and I’m the 2nd born in a family of 5. I was born in a small village in the countryside of mid highlands of Madagascar.
I was a very shy girl,one who didn’t socialize much with other children but spent much of my time drawing and painting. I didn’t join others in play but would draw away to the rice paddies,where I would draw on the mud using my fingers and sticks. At age 5 I had learnt how to make paint from flowers and plants and brushes from chicken and bird feathers. I would use sharp sticks to draw birds, animals, people and houses on sisal leaves and proudly display my artwork for all to see.
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On 4 Apr, 2018 With

Hi, my name is Maryam. I’m a 24 year old, American born artist from Palestine.
Art has a very special place in my life as I am both a teacher and a student in Turkey.
Some challenges I have been facing would be a knowledge of Islamic art and the capturing of Turkish culture and it’s Islamic influence (all technique + originality).
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On 4 Apr, 2018 With

Contemporary Master
Hello there, I’m Sue, and I am currently a college student studying art.
To me, art is a careful cooperation of acquired skill and personal expression. Throughout my life, I’ve always felt a strong need to create artwork, both for the sheer fun of it, but also because I wanted my ability to improve. It wasn’t until college that I realized and ultimately decided that I should strive to make a career of my passion.
I’ve come to learn about many types and styles of art, but above all I admire the beautiful, classical artwork of the old masters. Unfortunately, I’ve found that as I study art in my classes, I don’t have the opportunity to improve my skills in the way I want. Other types of art like abstract, cartoons and stylized illustrations are very popular right now, and it seems like classical fine art is not getting the attention it very well deserves. For this reason, I am interested in the Drawing Academy.
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On 28 Mar, 2018 With

Hosein Mohamadi – M.F.A student of University of Tehran, 2016 B.F.A Shahid Chamran university of Ahvaz, 2011 diploma Korramabad Fine high school Fine Arts.
I took on to painting around 2010 as serious profession. Due I to the hardships that I have experience in my personal life subjects having to do with society and its main building block the human being captured my attention and interest in the concept of reality.
Reading the life Paul Cezanne, Rembrandt and Michelangelo has also being very inspirational to me, so I found my own way of painting to be in depicting the reality of the human condition from psychological view…
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On 26 Mar, 2018 With

Mahsanaj1 on instagram
I’m Mahsa Najvan from Tehran, Iran. My education and qualifications include Bachelor of Arts, Interior Design, University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran, and Avini Graduate Conservatory of Graphic Design.
I started painting professionally since 1998 under the supervision of prominent names like: Nafiseh Moeini , Mani Gholami and Mr. Malekshahi. Also, I’ve studied Miniature (Persian Painting) and I had an art exhibition last year.
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On 25 Mar, 2018 With
Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence
I always wanted to be a portrait painter.
I learned mostly on my own to paint, but never learned to draw well.
It takes me a long time to get the likeness down.
I work day and night to improve my skills.
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