Art Competition Archive

Drawing by Alejandra

Drawing by Alejandra


Hello everyone, first of all I apologize for the English because I speak Spanish. I introduce myself, my name is Alejandra and I grew up with a very young and widowed mother, so even though I loved every form of art ever since I was a child I had to think about work and I could not officially cultivate my passion that is art; occupies a central place in my life, I am self-taught, I have no artistic training, I love drawing and painting have always been for me the engine and at the same time an oasis, a relief for the soul.

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Artwork by Antonella Sigismondi

Artwork by Antonella Sigismondi

Colorful Shadows

I am an Italian artist who studied in Toronto, Canada, and made a career making glass and metal sculptures and furniture. After becoming ill from the toxic fumes, I stopped working as a sculptor. My life circumstances have now moved me to Italy and am taking care of my elderly parents. I have begun painting but would love to have a career as a painter and drawer here in Italy.

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Painting by Malathi Venkat

Painting by Malathi Venkat

Unrestrained gushing waters

Art is the island of serenity that I seek refuge in during moments of turmoil. While some may see the lack of a formal teacher of art as a handicap I see it as an opportunity to explore every nuance and try my hand at every aspect of the field. Whether it is the choice of medium or the choice of subject I have experienced the freedom to try my hand at all, and excel at some. I have drawn using oil and acrylic on canvas; I have created several Tanjore paintings; I have worked with glass, wood and paper. More recently I am attempting sculpture. Now I realize that a formal program of learning provides the structure that a free-wheeling attempt at learning doesn’t. And that’s what brings me to Drawing Academy and the promise of refining my experience into a formal course with a timetable. Over the years we have moved continents as a family and in addition to raising two fine daughters, who are also artists in their own right, I have strived to continuously hone my talent and improve my skills.

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Artwork by Leandro Lemos

Artwork by Leandro Lemos

An artistic and technological boy

My name is Leandro, I am from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and I am a great lover of the plastic arts. I’m a network technologist and I work for the federal government.

Here in Brazil we do not have many opportunities to live in art, if I did that I would be starving, but it is what I love the most and that is what I do the most when I have any interval of time. I need professional advice to be able to improve my art and make progress in my artistic career.

My main mission would be in the part of portraits drawings, I want to improve my traits and discover new forms and materials. I have a passion for anatomy and human body, these are the areas that give me the most pleasure in drawing.

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Artwork by Anne Abate

Artwork by Anne Abate

Museum day

I’m finally retired and can pursue my study of art and artists. I’ve been drawing everyday for the past year, something I never had time to do.

My challenges are that when I studied art at the university level, it was the era of “express yourself!” No training in technique or materials or fundamentals. No information on archival issues.

My focus now is improving my skills in composition — and learning to use watercolor.

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Drawing by Neeta

Drawing by Neeta

Art journey – I want to know the right path

I am Neeta, from India. I have done engineering in computers. Worked in IT sector for more than 12 years. After leaving my well paid job I was looking something to kill my time. Suddenly I remembered I was very passionate about drawing and painting when I was school going kid.

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Drawing by Jamie Edwards

Drawing by Jamie Edwards

J.Me Art

I am British born, living in South Africa working as a restaurant owner with my family.

Art for me is therapy. It allows me to escape to wherever I am painting. With the stresses that come with running a restaurant (especially with family), art is the only thing that keeps me calm.

The challenges I have in art are creativity. I want people to look at my art and know that it was painted by me. I want an art identity. Plus I could do with learning more about figure painting.

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Artwork by Lauri (Minas) Wedgworth

Artwork by Lauri (Minas) Wedgworth

Art Should Make You Smile

About Lauri Wedgworth

Born in 1956, fine artist Lauri Wedgworth grew up in a small farm town west of Phoenix, Arizona. Growing up with farmers and excessive heat, she developed creativity for entertainment and survival.

Lauri started drawing and painting at age 4. Her mother was an artist, creating new paintings at home for businesses in town. Her grandmother was an artist who had her work featured in newspapers in her early years. Lauri learned the basics of drawing and painting with watercolors from her grandmother.

From an early age it was evident that Lauri had artistic talents. At the age of 10, she won an art competition for creating a famous scene from the Disney movie “The Sword in the Stone”. This drawing was exhibited at the local movie theater.

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