Art Competition Archive

Artwork by Dorothee Dori

Artwork by Dorothee Dori

Tosca in watercolor

Hello, I am Dorothée. I am housewife and Mother of three children. I always loved drawing, but thought I was not good and not gifted. Only recently I realized that drawing can actually be learnt and I try to learn all I can.

I love drawing portraits in pencil, but I challenge myself with paints and colors. This is a watercolor portrait of my daughter, who will turn 18 in a month. I’d love to be able to paint an oil portrait of her.

The videos of the Drawing Academy I have been watching are very well presented and complete. I have not really used proportion techniques for the face as I used a picture for that painting, but for other works I did and it really helps to look at subjects differently…

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Drawing by Carol Rubsam

Drawing by Carol Rubsam

Graphites by CRubsam

I grew up on the prairie and my love of the land, particularly prairie land, remains with me. I went to college in Chicago, and those years convinced me that I belonged where there are wide open spaces. Having moved to the Kansas City area, I spent 30+ years in the corporate world and did commissioned portrait work during those years. I retired several years ago to produce paintings and drawings professionally. I teach and sell art from First Art Gallery of Olathe, am President of the MidAmerica Pastel Society (MAPS), and a member of Missouri Valley Impressionist Society (MVIS), and National Oil and Acrylic Painters (NOAP)…

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Artwork by Linda Powell

Artwork by Linda Powell

Going Back to My Childhood

I am a 69 year old wife, mother, granddmother, and great-grandmother. I am a retired Doctor of Psychology. I am finally able to create as I used to do when I was younger. There is time, now, where there wasn’t before.

Art has always been a part of my life. Sometimes it was on the back burner; however I always found ways to incorporate some creativity into my daily lie. Even when it was “on the back burner” it was simmering in me looking for an outlet.

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Artwork by Chantal Gadeix

Artwork by Chantal Gadeix

Art at heart

Well, I’m Chantal, French and retired from teaching English. I now have some spare time and spend quite a lot of it trying to get better at drawing and painting watercolour. I’m a hard worker, so that I study, read, practice, etc..

My challenge is to become an accomplished artist. I’d like to be able to draw and paint any subject. I’m especially fond of portraits, but I can still progress and I love painting city scenes and landscapes, to which I nearly always integrate people.

From the demos and explanations I’ve read, I think the Drawing Academy is exactly the tool that might be useful to help me become a better painter…

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Artwork by Shirin Mulla

Artwork by Shirin Mulla

Nature rejuvenates life!

I have always felt landscapes are the most appealing form of art. This is the try to appeal your aesthetic senses too

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Artwork by Benjamin A Bayma

Veteran finds hope in Art!

I am a disabled U. S. Navy veteran from the Vietnam era. Born in rural Michigan of a blue-collar Polish family immigrants, I was never exposed to fine art. I suffer from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) which severely affects my concentration and short term memory as a result of my military service.

With the encouragement of a Veterans Administration Counselor, I took some drawing and painting workshops and studied self teaching books and found that they helped me to begin a road to recovery. Literally, art saved my life and has given me hope for the future. Drawing and painting have been therapy for me and I am thankful I found art. It has improved my ability to concentrate and improve my short term memory…

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Artwork by Jerry Segarra

Artwork by Jerry Segarra


I am a self-taught artist who greatly appreciates the traditional methods of drawing. Art has always been a passion of mine. For me it serves as an outlet for relaxation.

I often have issues with drawing hands and feet, sometimes faces depending on the angles. I would like to learn how to make my art look more realistic. I am always searching for new techniques to further improve my art.

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Artwork by Michael DiLello

Artwork by Michael DiLello

“Mikey D” – The Chiropractor/Artist

I am a widowed, single father of three children. I am a Chiropractor by profession. I also have FSH Muscular Dystrophy. I was diagnosed in November 2004. In October of 2008, I could no longer practice due to my condition. When I was a pre-adolescent, I realized that I was able to draw. Was able to look at images in magazines and mostly comic books and recreate them in a pencil drawing. My talent was very raw at first, but the more I drew the better my drawings were. As I got older there would be periods where I would drawing all the time. And there were also periods where I wouldn’t draw for months or years. No matter how much time passed, the quality of my drawings never diminished…

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Portrait by Karen Bernthal

Portrait by Karen Bernthal

I want to improve!

I would like to transition into fine painting and drawing from more craft-type mediums.

I have been a fine craft artist, but my true love is fine art and painting. Now I finally have time to pursue my fine art goals.

Understanding tonal values and then accurately depicting them is challenging to me and I would like to be able to see them more quickly so that I can draw from real life. It takes me a very long time to see the values, especially the mid-tones. My goal is to draw portraits from real life and this requires accuracy PLUS speed because people move while sitting. After I get faster at drawing I want to understand more about color, too.

The Drawing Academy is the perfect vehicle for me to improve. The step by step approach and excellent guidance suits my learning style

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Artwork by Rayne Sheffer

Artwork by Rayne Sheffer

Art from Imagination Improvement

Hi! My name’s Rayne, and my life revolves around art. It is the most important thing to me and I would like to improve my art skills to achieve my goals. My challenges in art are mostly getting things to look realistic when I am drawing from imagination.

I want to learn how to draw humans better and how to draw from my imagination better. I also would like to learn the beautiful crosshatching that I see on this website…

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