Portrait by Karen Bernthal

I want to improve!
I would like to transition into fine painting and drawing from more craft-type mediums.
I have been a fine craft artist, but my true love is fine art and painting. Now I finally have time to pursue my fine art goals.
Understanding tonal values and then accurately depicting them is challenging to me and I would like to be able to see them more quickly so that I can draw from real life. It takes me a very long time to see the values, especially the mid-tones. My goal is to draw portraits from real life and this requires accuracy PLUS speed because people move while sitting. After I get faster at drawing I want to understand more about color, too.
The Drawing Academy is the perfect vehicle for me to improve. The step by step approach and excellent guidance suits my learning style
I do not have access to drawing lessons where I live. The convenience of an online drawing course suits my schedule and my drawing goals!
I would love to learn from the Drawing Academy instructors because I see the results from their students. I want to improve.
The drawing I entered is a pencil drawing, drawn from a photograph taken by a friend. I worked on this drawing for many hours and asked a trusted artist where I could improve it. I listened to his advice and the drawing is much better because of his advice. I very much want the advice in the instruction videos. Please vote for me so that I can improve more quickly and reach my goal of drawing and painting portraits from real life, Thanks!
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