Art Competition Archive

Artwork by Aditya Gupta

Artwork by Aditya Gupta


Hailing from the capital of India, New Delhi, I am Aditya, a 30 something who is passionate about learning new things, following the self imposed rule of learning 1 new thing well every year since last many years!

Art is very important for me and has been so since childhood, though I never had any formal instruction in it. I have been trying to find opportunities to sketch and paint whenever and learn from masters, apart from earning a living. Now I want to take it to next level.

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Artwork by Raphaël Kozlowski

Ethics need to be the center of everything

I’m not fond of presentation or any social interaction in general so I’ll just make this quick. I love drawing. I’ve been doing it since I could hold a pen and I’ve kept at it not as regularly as I would because of health reasons but always came back to it.

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Drawing by Aurelia

I am a Tanzanian, 29 years old.

I love to draw since I was a kid. One day my aunt beat me because I draw her very ugly. I never give up on drawing although I have never get any drawing course.

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Artwork by Ed Lyles

Artwork by Ed Lyles

Old Dog New Tricks

I am a retired 66 year old psychologist, American Expat, living in the Spanish Pyrenees. I am enrolled in a painting class here but realized a need to drastically improve my drawing skills. Since last summer I have been drawing and taking every free drawing course available on the internet. I have been enrolled in the painting class for about a year and really can get nowhere without improved drawing skills. Although I never have been that artistically talented, I am trying.

Art takes a special place in my life. Being retired in the EU I have great opportunities to see the infusion of art in culture presently, and historically. I travel a lot and often include art museums in my travel. When living in the US I traveled to see many major art museums. My favorite was the Metropolitan, in NYC followed by the MOMA and the Guggenheim. However, I personally think that the Guggenheim in Bilbao, Spain is better. Here in the EU I got into religious art in the Cathedrals strictly from a historical standpoint. My tastes are in the Master’s work as well as in modern art. Since starting to study art seriously a year ago, I have a deeper appreciation for painting, sculpture and drawing.

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Drawing by Steve Moulton

Drawing by Steve Moulton

Coffe Table Book – Kakadu

Born in 1961 I was not the kid in school that could draw a hotrod or comic book character. So apart from the occasional school boy envy when someone has a skill You don’t have art wasn’t on the radar. Then combine this with a family culture of art being for the rich and eccentric. Art was not only not on the radar it wasn’t encouraged or seen as a worthy pursuit. So happily I journeyed down the road only picking up a pencil as a writing tool.

Then about twenty five years ago I was doored. (I was on my bike when some one opened up their car door) The bike stopped and I kept on going. Gracefully somersaulting on to the road. Well maybe not so gracefully I broke a leg and four fingers, ouch.

So after a few months I became a little stir crazy, my wife thought a lot stir crazy so she found a pottery course that I was eligible for because I was a temporary cripple and driving her nuts. So to shorten the story, through that course I ended up having a pottery business for a few years and it was at this time I began drawing firstly because I needed this skill for the business but also because I enjoyed drawing.

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Story by Larisa Krasner

Story by Larisa Krasner

Historical Vase


Being raised by two parents who’s young life’s was tormented where both of them straggled to survive in their separate worlds where the world it self was unfair distractive, poisoned and ill, I have learned to quietly watch and listen. I have learned to observe world in its open book, I have learned to analyze my physical surroundings, I have learned to hear people when they are not talking, I have learned to read between the lines and I have learned to see beauty in an ugly world. No matter how incredible any form of art in prose or visual can be, it still would not be able to represent true horror of life. I have learned that in most ugliness and disgusts there always will be an element of a beauty.

I would like to be able to capture this beauty no matter how tiny it might be and present it through my art. Returning back to school I wanted to find my other side (people have many sides, they just do not know that), for me it just took one art class and I was hooked!

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Drawing by Brenda S. Foreman

Drawing by Brenda S. Foreman

Plains Indian, Friend of Mine

I am a retired teacher, and wish to improve my drawing ability to be able to draw what is in my mind.

I wish to draw from my imagination, which I can do a bit but not to my satisfaction.

I am impressed by the promo material and decided that the Drawing Academy is a good fit for me. It is now or never for me as I am in my 60’s and still have learning in my future.

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Drawing by Estefanía Alejandra Vega

Drawing by Estefanía Alejandra Vega

A Silver Lining

I’ve have been paying close attention to the Drawing Academy for over a year now. I’ve been struggling with fighting the worst enemy: myself.

I’ve always wanted to be an artist, but at the same time, I’ve always made excuses not to do it. I don’t know why, but I can’t seem to find the strength to start. I’ve tried it a few times already, but since I’ve never found a place where they teach you absolutely everything you need to know since the beginning, I always end up dropping it. And I don’t want that anymore.

I really want to be an artist!

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Artwork by Elisa Echeverría Parra

Artwork by Elisa Echeverría Parra

Hello everyone, my name is Elisa and I’m a 27 year old illustrator from Chile.

Seeing art and making art are two of my favorite things about being alive. Art helps me keep moving forward.

I studied Visual Arts between 2008 and 2012, but the art school I went to wasn’t really focused on Fine Arts. Because of this, academic drawing is still a big challenge for me. I’ve wanted to learn more about human anatomy, perspective and shading for a long time, since I draw a lot from imagination and I don’t always get these things right.

I think Drawing Academy’s video lessons could help me a lot with that, and also with drawing realistic animals, which is another interest of mine (scientific illustration).

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Drawing by Eli

Drawing by Eli

Art is my life

I like drawing very much, but it seems I don’t have time; in fact, it’s not true. I do not have a method to use my time. I need a school!

Time after time, I discover that all I want to do is art, and drawing is the basis to improve my works, to communicate the sense of discovery I had every time. I can easily communicate through drawings, without words.

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