Drawing by Estefanía Alejandra Vega

A Silver Lining
I’ve have been paying close attention to the Drawing Academy for over a year now. I’ve been struggling with fighting the worst enemy: myself.
I’ve always wanted to be an artist, but at the same time, I’ve always made excuses not to do it. I don’t know why, but I can’t seem to find the strength to start. I’ve tried it a few times already, but since I’ve never found a place where they teach you absolutely everything you need to know since the beginning, I always end up dropping it. And I don’t want that anymore.
I really want to be an artist!
The picture I’ve attached can look nice at first, but I’m not proud of it at ALL. And why? Because everyone can copy. I want to be able to draw, from imagination! To be able to think of a dragon and draw it myself, without having a photograph of a dragon in front of me. To also be able to create my own kind of dragon! To be AUTHENTIC, and UNIQUE.
I firmly believe that if I win the course it will change my life completely, I will be reborn again, I’ll have a life purpose, because right now, I feel like a boat drifting. I know for sure that drawing will allow me to express myself and give the world a piece of my soul.
Thank you
Felicidades!!! Muy fino el dibujo