On 4 May, 2018 With
Kid Tribal!
My name is Shane Balawi, I am from Papua New Guinea and I have always wanted to be awesome at drawing. Been a doodler when I was young, but I was never really good at it. Back then the schools never given much thought to art classes. I caught a break, when I bought and read a biography called Norman Rockwell Illustrator. With it as my inspiration my doodles turned to sketches. After high school, I managed to get my hands on a laptop, and thanks to YouTube my sketches took on greater forms. But I need more than quick videos of people who know how to draw; I needed a teacher to show me the ways and means to draw.
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On 4 May, 2018 With
Tattoo turned into Fine Arts
I am a 30 years old tattoo artist from Finland, who always had interest in fine arts, but no financial means to pay a proper art academy, so everything I do, I learnt myself by attempts, trials and mistakes, figuring out how it’s done, or at least my understanding of how it should be. I remember as a kid I would always get fascinated by art books, painters and illustrator, old masters such as Alma Tadema, William Adolphe Bouguereau or John William Waterhouse especially, wondering if one day I could ever get to be as good as one of them.
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On 4 May, 2018 With
From Stiff to Expertly Expressive!
I am inspired by the universal values that all humans share, such as feelings, music, art and ideas. While man creates borders and limitations, it is so easy for an artist to dissolve them with just a few strokes on a medium of some kind. This excites me, and while I want to produce art that invokes such interest, I also realize that I would like to sharpen my skills and add the expertise that takes the ordinary work and makes it great.
Art is the love of my life and influences all that I do. It is a rare moment when I am not thinking of something art-related. While circumstances required that I work in a left-brained world, any time outside that work is spent absorbed in learning all that I can so I may paint, draw, and sculpt better. This is where The Drawing Academy can help me transition from stiff to a fluid, confident and expert artist who knows exactly how to create the effects I desire.
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On 27 Apr, 2018 With

The best is yet to come
I’ve always felt predisposed to visual art; I dabbled with paint and soon enough fell in love with oils. I delved into it further and studied cast drawing and portrait painting.Color is my inspiration and is what I want to emphasize in any subject I choose to paint; though the subtleties of the human form interest me the most. In my pursuit, to find my artistic identity, I hope to create meaningful work that resonates with and reflects at least a part of me.
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On 27 Apr, 2018 With

Hi I am Sajal Das from India. I am a self taught artist. I love to draw.
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On 27 Apr, 2018 With

Greetings. I live in luxor (Thebes ). I love art. it is all my life. faced challenges in the past because I wanted to learn How to become good in drawing? I was needed to guide or in less see artworks of artists directly.
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On 27 Apr, 2018 With

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On 27 Apr, 2018 With
Beloved daughter I am Cheryl Davis, a mother of one girl who is now nine. I am very keen on learning to draw and have gone from stick people to being able to draw what I see only and even then not always very well. So I was especially proud of this drawing. My art challenges are that I have…
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On 27 Apr, 2018 With

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On 27 Apr, 2018 With

Robert Lenssen, I don’t need much words I want to draw and learn to make the drawings I want to make.
I think that the Drawing Academy can help with it.
Everybody has to vote for me so I can make a carrier switch
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