Artwork by Alika Kumar

Artwork by Alika Kumar

From Stiff to Expertly Expressive!

I am inspired by the universal values that all humans share, such as feelings, music, art and ideas. While man creates borders and limitations, it is so easy for an artist to dissolve them with just a few strokes on a medium of some kind. This excites me, and while I want to produce art that invokes such interest, I also realize that I would like to sharpen my skills and add the expertise that takes the ordinary work and makes it great.

Art is the love of my life and influences all that I do. It is a rare moment when I am not thinking of something art-related. While circumstances required that I work in a left-brained world, any time outside that work is spent absorbed in learning all that I can so I may paint, draw, and sculpt better. This is where The Drawing Academy can help me transition from stiff to a fluid, confident and expert artist who knows exactly how to create the effects I desire.

While I am driven passionately to create art constantly, I do find myself realizing that no matter how much I study it, there is so much more to learn. I would like to transform my work from raw and stiff, limited by so many unknowns, to work that flows with expertise, knowledge and mastery over the skills required to produce art that captures the imagination. I find myself projecting the drawings instead of confidently drawing myself, and I realize it is because I need to learn the basics that not only allow me to draw things correctly, but then would give me the ability to be able to play with it to create my own unique expressions. With this learning, I would like to develop my own voice in my artwork, without having to try deliberately, but being able to do so intuitively instead.

I would like mastery over the drawing, so that I can draw whatever strikes my fancy, whether it is a scene I see, from a photograph, from models, or from my imagination. I would like to have the breadth of knowledge that is masterfully taught at the Drawing Academy ( I know this because I followed your tutorial on how to draw a face), so I can draw people, animals, birds and just about anything I want without using tools that serve as crutches from which one never truly learns. The study of the human figure will then help me with my passion for creating artful sculptures as well. I would like to feel like an expert and not like a make-believe artist!

I feel that the Drawing Academy has put a lot of time and effort into very detailed instructions to help artists build very advanced level skills similar to the Masters that we admire and revere. The one tutorial that I followed, showed me how knowledgeable and skilled the instructors are and that is exactly the kind of knowledge I seek.

I feel I do not want to waste any more time creating mediocre art, and I am ready to do what it takes to take my art to the highest skill levels that I can. With every piece I produce I would like to advance and feel confident that I am sharing my passion for art in the most respectful and proficient and masterly way possible.

I have a fervent passion for producing art and for improving my art. I have been earnestly putting effort into it and feel the Drawing Academy will be the most important source of training I need to take my raw art and make it masterly. I would like to thank every one for their consideration and look forward to my next steps. I wish all other artist immense success and the accomplishment of their goals and aspirations as well.

Artwork by Alika Kumar

Categorized: Art Competition Archive

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