Portrait drawing by Angus Wilkins

As I Am: self-portrait from life
I’ve been on this earth for 18 years and been drawing and painting for probably 90% of those. I’m thankful I begin early in life, I believe I had an innate affinity for art which grew into an obsession and desire for mastery that hasn’t left me.
Being able to make art is like having a superpower, one that lets you create illusions of reality using merely a pencil or a loaded brush.
When portrait drawing, it’s vital to capture the subject’s unique subtleties and proportions since the amalgamation of these create a likeness. I’m always missing the mark on these. My submission, for example, has errors like one eye being too high and my forehead being too short.
These days I’m keen to develop my life drawing skills since I understand its importance, giving the artist a true understanding of the subject’s 3D form, as appose to a photo which is 2D and only reveals what the photographer wants. In addition, I want to understand the nuances of perspective, anatomy and figure drawing.
Drawing Academy is ideal for beginners and experienced artists. Beginners will gain a broad understanding of drawing. The experienced artist will likely pick up things they never knew; I didn’t know how to hold a pencil correctly until finding Drawing Academy’s free videos.
I want to win this course because I believe the methods and traditions used by the old masters helped create their masterpieces. Additionally, learning tools like perspective, anatomy and figure drawing will allow me to create art from imagination.
Voting for me would gift me the opportunity to make countless more drawing errors which I can learn to better identify, furthering my skills.
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