Artwork by Sebastiano Piga

My artworks

At a very young age I was interested in drawing with crayons and felt pen; painted at age 11, even before that, drawing is my first love and I started when I was aged 3 months and 5 years.

Artistic comprehension started at a very early age as opposed to scholastic comprehension! In my ‘Pagella’, year end report in Italy on each student’s gift, agreed I was gifted in art since I was five years old and should pursue such.

When I arrived in London, due to low finances, I took on the most routines of roles, that is, in the professional hospitality arena and remained there.

I am now ready and determined to release my inner potential with the support of an institution which appreciates and supports artistic potential
to actualization.

Artwork by Sebastiano Piga

Categorized: Art Competition Archive

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