Personal support from Academy tutors

Question from Cecilia, Drawing Academy student
When submitting a drawing for critique, how is feedback for improvement handled?
Thank you
Dear Cecilia,
As a Drawing Academy student, you will have an unlimited personal support that includes artwork critique. This support is provided for a lifetime and comes at no extra charge. No art college would ever offer the same deal.
When you want feedback on your artworks, simply send them by email or submit them online, and usually within 48 hours you will get a constructive critique that gives points to work on and advises on how to improve your art skills.
Such personal support is provided by the Drawing Academy tutors, Natalie Richy and Vladimir London, and every single email is answered timely, fully, and constructively.
Due to our personal time restraints, we can only give art critique to paid members of our art courses:
To your creative success,
Vladimir London
Drawing Academy tutor
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