On 13 May, 2016 With
My Love of 53 years
My name is Dick Vander Meulen, 73 years old, and live in South Carolina. I am an architect by trade but because of the economy have not done any design work for the last five years.
I have not had the opportunity of a formal education in art or architecture but have learned a lot from books and some private architecture courses but no art courses. I have always enjoyed art even as a child. I remember drawing street maps in the third grade and as early as the 5th grade was drawing horses and dogs.
Over the years I have done a variety of sketches but most of my time has been spent in architecture designing houses and commercial structures. I simply have not had the time to do artwork…
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On 13 May, 2016 With
A Second Chance
Hello fellow students!
My name is Apoena, I’m a 26 years old Brazilian and an airplane mechanic by profession.
As a child, I learned to draw by myself (at a child’s level, of course, but still pretty impressively considering my social background) and used to be a creative and motivated student. My family and friends used to cheer me up, I would draw my favorite cartoon characters, expend hours browsing art books in the school’s library and absolutely disgracing the house’s furnishings with failed attempts at painting.
In my teenage I would draw in the spare minutes between classes, in the back-cover of my notebooks using ball-pens and any colored pencil I had left. In time those notebooks were so full with drawings that I would simply give them away for friends who liked them. Not being able to have a proper education on arts, I would stare at people and try to draw them, looking with bitter jealousy at the old masters for having managed to become legends in a time where internet and art-books were not available and, poor me, couldn’t draw an apple realistically…
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On 8 May, 2016 With
My Dream
Hello my name is Sara Baca, I am 24 years old currently living in Colorado, USA. Art has always been amazing to me as an emotional outlet and form of self expression. Growing up I wanted to do art as a profession but was discouraged by others who view art as unimportant or as a useless field of study.
Drawing Academy seems right for me because I greatly admire the old masters and classical art not only because they have formed the foundations of todays art but were also a great part of human history. Looking at a classical piece I cannot help but be envious of the incredible level of skill and how hard the artist must have worked to achieve it…
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On 30 Apr, 2016 With
There, Back, Again! An Obsession, a Life Passion
I’m originally from Italy, a country that has some of the most amazing Art and Architecture in the world.
Growing up I was so affected by what was surrounding me, that I could not imagine living and breathing without Art. I wanted to be an artist since I was 4 years old. Alas! Life took me on a spin. In 1999 I moved to the States, completed High School and prepared for a career in medicine in college. It wasn’t too long before I realized it wasn’t for me.
I switched my major to Pre-medical illustration, wanting to learn to draw as realistically as I could. It wasn’t too long that I realized that colleges do not teach you the way of the Masters. I was pushed to experimentation and to abstract the world, to make “conceptual” art that was temporary and decaying. Although I enjoyed doing some of it, it did not satisfy my need to wish to learn to paint like the Masters I grew up with… Caravaggio, Giotto, il Tiziano (Titian) just to name a few…
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On 27 Apr, 2016 With
João Wesmaldu
I found Drawing Academy on YouTube, and realized that this course has exactly what I need to learn. I want so much to begin it now and develop my drawing skills…
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On 24 Apr, 2016 With
Men’s best friend
Hello! This is my artwork and I want to tell about myself.
I love drawing very much. I’m drawing when I have free time in my notebooks and everywhere I can.
I think drawing is a good way for self-expression and to show other peoples what I think.
For me, drawing is more than art; this is my hobby. My skills are not very good and I don;t have much time for it. However, I have many original ideas to express in art and want to improve my drawing skills.
I want to bring my drawing skills on a new level. I want to learn how to draw what is on my mind, to learn techniques of drawing, shading methods, how to draw portraits, architecture, and all that need to know to be a good artist.
I think that Drawing Academy is a good place to learn all about art and become a better artist…
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On 24 Apr, 2016 With
Art is a reflection of life
I present most of my ideas in various Media. As an interdisciplinary artist, I have a critical viewpoint upon my surroundings and may take different issues into consideration; however, there is a close connection between image, imagination, signs, language, philosophy, and society.
I can investigate my personal ideas and ideologies in the milieu through art. Art is a reflection of life, culture of the community, and my ambitions. I might manipulate the position of some elements or diminish their apparent simplicity but I am always influenced by the environment and I endeavor to refer to social points which may be strange and also interesting for the people in other parts of the world. I always try to have creativity by the manipulation of perceptible facts surrounding me…
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On 24 Apr, 2016 With
The Edge
My name is NiKole, and I am a busy mom to five kids. I love the outdoors, and I love to see new things and then drawing or painting them.
I love art. I have found that it is such a fabulous way to de-stress, and I love when my kids get involved and join in.
I have learned that as a mom who doesn’t have large chunks at a time to paint, pan watercolors and pencil are the perfect medium. I love seeing a beautifully lit scene and trying to capture it.
I have two challenges in art – the first is time management and making sure that I keep up with drawing consistently and not letting other things get in the way, and the other is my own perfectionism. Too often, a good idea stays in my head because I am afraid I won’t be able to get it on the paper the way I want…
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On 21 Apr, 2016 With
Cherished Memories
I am 57 years old and live aboard with my husband on a sailboat. I am blessed with the opportunity to travel to many countries, and meet interesting people from many different cultures, traditions and lifestyles. I’m not a great writer but, I keep a journal and write about the places I visit and my experiences with the local people I meet along the way. Along with writing I like to incorporate photos or drawings ( I would say dabbles) to correlate with the stories I write about the places and people in my journal.
I enjoy drawing. I’m self taught but need a lot of help. Getting tips from YouTube and reading “How To Do” doesn’t provide the fundamentals skills required to acquire good drawings skills.
Drawing Academy provides the fundamental foundation skills that have been used from the master artist has proven to display drawings as realistic…
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On 19 Apr, 2016 With
Nana Patekar of Natsamrat movie
I am from Maharashtra, a thirsty art student.
I love to draw color pencil sketches.
I really want to win the Drawing Academy art course because it is a great place to improve my drawing skills…
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