Art Competition Archive

Artwork by Nino Urushadze

Artwork by Nino Urushadze

Portrait drawing

I’m happy that Drawing Academy exists. This is what I want from my very childhood – to learn proper drawing techniques.

I called this drawing “Carrier of your sadness” – this man takes peoples sadness to make them free…

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Artwork by Christie Nicklay

Artwork by Christie Nicklay

Taking a Good Look at Myself

My name is Christie Nicklay and I was born 50 years ago in Southeast Minnesota. I am a contemporary realism and sometimes painterly artist who works primarily in acrylics and oils, but also enjoy watercolor, pencil, pastels, colored pencil and pen and ink.

My artistic journey began as a child when I would draw anything and everything on anything and everything I could find. I drew constantly. There was a time when you could even find my artwork on the walls of my father’s dairy barn. Early on, teachers recognized and encouraged my artistic abilities. Eventually, I became the primary artist for my high school newspaper, clubs and organizations. As I grew, I had dreams of being a doctor, but my father encouraged me to attend school for my art, which I did and acquired my Commercial Art and Fine Art degrees…

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Artwork by Bruce Anthony

Artwork by Bruce Anthony

Wanna be an artist

I am a carpenter specializing in designing and building Outdoor Living Spaces. I.e. Decks, Patios, Walkways and Outdoor Kitchens.

I took up photography for an artistic release because I always had trouble with freehand drawing especially proportions. Then I was introduced to the Andrew Loomis method and we’ll look at my submission.

Although that is copying, I want to be a real artist and I truly believe Drawing Academy will help me to accomplish this…

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Artwork by Leila Lagren

Artwork by Leila Lagren

Love to paint

I have a dream – I want to share my art with the world.

I’m a self-taught artist with no art school education, but a draw every day to develop my gift of creativity…

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Artwork by Alenka Svetec

Artwork by Alenka Svetec

AS – Art

Artwork by Alenka SvetecI am Alenka Svetec from Slovenia, a self-thought artist.

I started drawing ten years ago. I did oil and pastel painting and several times I sopped for some reason. Two years from now I decided
seriously to draw and I did not stop. I am hungry for knowledge. I started to draw portraits with pencil and continue with charcoal.

For a while, I visit Drawing Academy and I decided to enter the Art Competition

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Artwork by Susie Davis

Artwork by Susie Davis

Creativity Junkie

I am 57 and have been a life long creative devotee. I chose music as my art form and found that in order to make a living as a musician that I needed to funnel all of my time into developing quite the extensive amount of variable talents. During my career I have performed for 80,000 people and for 8, toured internationally, sung on hit records, played in wedding bands, music directed plays, written jingles, lead original bands, become a multi-instrumentalist, produced records and taught piano, guitar, accordion, vocals, and songwriting to kids and adults. Four years ago I suffered a nerve injury that forced me to quit my band. During my convalescence I started drawing and found that I enjoyed it tremendously. Now I am in a different phase of my life, where I am mostly teaching, and find that I am just not that compelled by music as my route of creative expression…

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Artwork by Rebekah Lauzier

Artwork by Rebekah Lauzier

Stained Glass Dragon

Hi, I’m Rebekah Lauzier. I have been drawing for almost a year and a half now, doing some digital art.

The Drawing Academy course is awesome and has professional art teachers.

I love working with kids and want to help them through drawing.

I really want to win this drawing course, so I could learn more about art and teach kids with disabilities to draw…

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Drawing by Kathleen Holmberg

Drawing by Kathleen Holmberg

Village Patriarch, Uncle Will, Birmingham, Alabama

From early childhood I have always been “making art”. Except for an art course in high school, some short-term workshops and workshops in the painting of Russian Byzantine Icons, I am pretty much self-taught. I did take college courses in the principles of teaching art in elementary schools, but no art courses as such. My self-taught art education I credit to the public libraries where I borrowed art books to teach myself how to draw and paint. Of course there was never much time to indulge in this self-satisfaction during my teaching years. Now in retirement having time for self-improvement is candy!

I am impressed with the quality of teaching I have viewed on the free art art lessons. I also like the fact that principles of the particular medium are taught, and not just the "how to do it". These lessons are well taught by competent, articulate artists. The lessons not only teach well the "how to do it", but the principles of art are very well presented and lay a good foundation for when one is on her own…

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Artwork by Carlos A

Artwork by Carlos A

Reflection in a museum

Artwork by Carlos AI am 55 y/o who has always wanted to learn to draw. I have been experimenting with watercolor painting for several years. Learning to draw will be a great benefit for my watercolors.

Drawing Academy has an excellent methodology for learning to draw.

A systematic approach to drawing is what I need to improve my skills…

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