Art Competition Archive

Josefin Art gallery

Josefin Art gallery

Artwork by Josefin Johansson

My name is Josefin I am from Sweden and live here right now.

My profession is Art teacher (Ba from University) and I have been in Junior high school for teaching for many years.

I like drawing and clay sculpture – I like the charcoal, the pencil and the sanguine chalks.

I am wanting to speed up my drawing knowledge and be more advanced in my drawings…

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Poetic Art

Poetic Art

Artwork by Ibanga Emem

Hello, I am Ibanga Emem, a 19-year old artist from Nigeria. I started drawing at age 7 (if not younger), and I took it for a hobby (most of us did that as little children). I left medical school to study art because I don’t just love to draw, but I paint, and I write. I would love it, if I am granted the Drawing Academy membership because I want to improve in shading tones, anatomy and perspective. This will help my imaginations come to life…

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Guitarist who loves to draw

Guitarist who loves to draw

Artwork by Nathaly Joanne Corales

Hello, my name is Nathaly. I am a guitarist who always liked to draw but never took it seriously until I took a drawing class in college last year, which made me remember how much I loved drawing. I love all Art in general but making music and drawing are my two favorites.

I drew this self-portrait in order to use it as a poster for my Senior Guitar Recital in College. The full poster is 18″x24″ but the self-portrait drawing is about 16″x15″ on its own. It was made with Graphite.

I believe that the Drawing Academy is a good place to learn good fundamentals. It does not matter if you want to draw modern things because the fundamentals they offer are extremely important for every artist…

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Artwork by Shanu

Artwork by Shanu

I really like the Drawing Academy course and would like to win the full membership.

Drawing was my first hobby and was since the childhood and now I would like to get back on track…

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Artwork by Sonam Wangchen

Artwork by Sonam Wangchen

I am 34 years old man from a small kingdom of Bhutan. I live in the central part of the country. I work here as an elected representative of my town but my term will be over by this June. I am an art lover and fascinated by art works.

We have a traditional painting school, but I have always wanted to be a modern artist. I have never been to an art school or had a basic training. Whatever I have learned so far is because of my huge interest and love for art.

I would have become an artist if only we had an art school when I was a child. Given an opportunity, I will still learn and fulfill my dream…

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I want to become a Master Artist

I want to become a Master Artist

Artwork by Nasser Jaffer Ali Salem

I am a self taught artist with the goal to become a Master Artist. Even though I stopped drawing and painting 40 years ago, now I am learning hard from DVDs, Videos, PDF Books, and Online courses.

I saw a video titled “Help! I Can’t Draw” and was astonished by the techniques and organized knowledge in this lessons. I decided to participate in this competition to win the Drawing Academy course

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Artwork by Luiz Berri

Artwork by Luiz Berri

Watercolor – Woman Harvesting Wheat

I started drawing in 2014, driven by a desire that matured with the passage of years. It may seem late to some, but starting in the art at age 45 opened my horizons and, I believe, made me see the world through different eyes.

The watercolor portrays a Palestinian woman harvesting wheat in one of the camps for them by the state of Israel. Size 30 cm X 40 cm…

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Artwork by Iftikhar

Artwork by Iftikhar

I have got inspiration from historical buildings of Pakistan, particularly Sindh province.

I have painted impressions of those buildings in my paintings with diverse composition that effect beauty harmony of memories from life.

I think Drawing Academy is the best platform for a rising artist and would like to learn from this course…

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Explore Ega Mudavanhu Art

Explore Ega Mudavanhu Art

Artwork by Ega Mudavanhu

My name is Ega Mudavanhu from Zimbabwe. I am an artist born with both the love for amazing artwork and a very good eye at observation.

My art grew from observation and copying and by this I mean to say that I used to draw my inspiration from other artists work be it story illustrations or televised programs…

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Artwork by Sofia

I have recently started drawing and although I’m making progress with the techniques thanks to YouTube videos, I am only able to draw from photos so far. I really would like to change that.

Drawing Academy teaches the fundamentals needed to create good art…

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