On 3 Dec, 2015 With
Artwork by Menna Magdy
My name is Menna, 16 years old from Cairo, EGYPT. I love drawing since I was a child but I stopped for 2 years because of an art teacher in my school. He sometimes was making fun of my drawings and questions. Then a dear Syrian friend came to Egypt (my school) her passion was art so she made me return to draw again…
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On 2 Dec, 2015 With
Artwork by Osei Henry Ofori
Hi, I am Osei Henry Ofori from Ghana. I discovered that drawing is a talent to me after drawing a series of animated characters. Way back in school my terminal report card wasn’t something you would like to see because I failed in most coursers with the exception of one named creative art. So I capitalized on art because that was the only thing I could do with ease. I had distinction in this particular course which made a fame for me. Years later I got to realize I have done several artworks without a notice. By much practice I have much good which enforces the old adage “Practice makes Man Perfect”…
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On 2 Dec, 2015 With
Artwork by Triet Le
This is my first acrylic painting, a gift for my Grandma since I cannot be home for the new year celebration. I did this painting in two weeks, after reading many how-to books and youtube tutorials.
Around 2 years ago, after many years of general education and neglecting drawing, I found myself interested in art again. Now, I am 22 and pursuing a career in animation.
The more I draw and the more I make films, the more I realize how my vision and ideas are limited by my inadequate drawing skills…
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On 22 Nov, 2015 With
Artwork by Amanda Maillet
Hi, I am currently studying a bachelor of science in Zoology and Ecology at James Cook University in Australia. I began drawing as a hobby and considered getting a degree in art but wondered if it would be worth the amount of money. Instead, I stuck with science, but keep moving forward in drawing and painting mainly focusing on animals finding it would help with my studies. Science and art may not seem to fit together, but the best scientists were the ones willing to think outside the box…
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On 21 Nov, 2015 With
Artwork by Sophie Alexandra My name is Sophie. I like to draw and to paint in watercolour. I want to draw what only exist in my imagination! I think it is beautiful with all the paintings. My mom says that it is a rare opportunity to learn from people who actually know what they are doing. I love learning from…
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On 14 Nov, 2015 With
Artwork by Raluca Vintilescu
Hello, everyone! My name is Raluca and I’m 18 years old.
Being here and telling my story revolves around my struggle to follow what I truly enjoy doing, creating art.
My interest in drawing developed a while ago, since I could properly hold a pencil. My grandmother showed me how to draw a cat and from then on, I would draw almost every day. My mom recalls moments where I would say “I haven’t drawn anything today” and get myself to work and draw something. I still have a lot of drawings to remind me of those days, where my father would glue my masterpieces to my bedroom door, so I would have a gallery of my own that kept changing often …
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On 8 Nov, 2015 With
Artwork by Aletta
Hi my name is Aletta, i’m 21 years old and obviously I love art!
Since I was little I always drew and painted. Now I am older I still do, and really want to be as best in it as i can be. That’s why I need this drawing course to improve myself. But as I am just graduated from college, I don’t have enough money to buy it. This is my only change to get this drawing course. So please be so kind to vote for me…
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On 7 Nov, 2015 With
Artwork by Genny Dionne
This picture is in acrylic water color and was my first painting on canvas. I am a self taught artist living in northern Idaho.
I am 16 now but have loved drawing from and early age. I draw in most all of my spare time, I have gotten to the point that when I look at something I mentally visualize how I would draw it or what colors I would use to paint it. My family have always been very supportive of my artwork and tell me that I have talent.
I have just this last year really got into painting and am loving it, but in drawing and painting I often have a hard time getting the images in my head onto paper, and I often have a hard time getting it to look realistic or life like!…
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On 6 Nov, 2015 With
Artwork by Svetla Ivanova
Hi, my name is Svetla Ivanova.
I am an artist and restorer. Engage in restoration of art works from 6 years. I participate in restoration projects
of monumental cultural, icons and easel works, but still love to do art in all manners …
The magic of living world, pieces of colors, impressions and moments. I am happy to share my world. This is my world. The twinkles from nature.
I like the Drawing Academy because, you can learn how to draw in the comfort of your home.
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On 4 Nov, 2015 With
Artwork by Chetna Kedia
I’m Chetna Kedia, 40 years old women, a house maker in in Antwerp. I like drawing, painting & singing.
I am always waiting for Drawing Academy newsletters because you are giving so much information. Thank you! …
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