Conquer the dream

Conquer the dream

Artwork by Raluca Vintilescu

Artwork by Raluca Vintilescu

Hello, everyone! My name is Raluca and I’m 18 years old.

Being here and telling my story revolves around my struggle to follow what I truly enjoy doing, creating art.

My interest in drawing developed a while ago, since I could properly hold a pencil. My grandmother showed me how to draw a cat and from then on, I would draw almost every day. My mom recalls moments where I would say “I haven’t drawn anything today” and get myself to work and draw something. I still have a lot of drawings to remind me of those days, where my father would glue my masterpieces to my bedroom door, so I would have a gallery of my own that kept changing often.

Things changed quite a lot when I started going to school. Every week, there was only a class of drawing and from second grade onward, that single art session became a math one. Being a child and an easily swayed person altogether, I was lead to believe that I must focus on school and the subjects that were given the most credit.

I battled new experiences and perspectives along with different people and realized that I must pick up where I left off drawing years ago. I encountered pressure and low self esteem seeing how good people my age could draw, because they didn’t give up when I did. That’s why I entered this competition, to conquer my dream where I gave it up, to catch up with people who never stopped from doing so.

I believe that Drawing Academy has the greatest online drawing courses, not only organized, but extremely helpful and would be the helping hand I need to bring my imagination to life.

Winning the Drawing Academy Course would bring my self esteem back and give me the support that otherwise I would chase chaotically.

Voting for me means supporting someone who didn’t give up, although the situation kept developing against me. I encountered many obstacles while trying to get back on track and winning this Drawing Academy Course would represent all the encouragement I need to conquer my dream.

Categorized: Art Competition Archive

This Post Has 77 Comments

  1. Drawing Academy course is for you fulfillment of a dream! Good luck, Raluca! says:

    Drawing Academy course is for you fulfillment of a dream! Good luck, Raluca!

  2. Roxana Mihailescu says:

    Everybody should follow he’s own dream. sooner the better.
    Good for you, that you already know your dream and decided to go for it!
    The goal is important, but the road to it is what matters more.
    So good luck and have a nice trip!

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