Mountain dog

Mountain dog

Artwork by Osei Henry Ofori

Artwork by Osei Henry Ofori

Hi, I am Osei Henry Ofori from Ghana.

I discovered that I have a talent after drawing a series of animated characters. Way back in school my terminal report card wasn’t something you would like to see because I failed in most coursers with the exception of one named creative art. So I capitalized on art because that was the only thing I could do with ease. I had distinction in this particular course which made a fame for me.

Years later I got to realize I have done several artworks without a notice. By much practice I have much good which enforces the old adage “Practice makes Man Perfect”.

Drawing Academy is exceptional because they carry art to the society right from the basics fundamentals making it easier for the world to understand art and leave in the world of Art.

Wisdom has know boundaries neither is there a summit for learning, i do want to win because i know there is still much more to learn as art is concern.

I need your votes to win this competition and study more from Drawing Academy.

Categorized: Art Competition Archive

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