Guitarist who loves to draw

Artwork by Nathaly Joanne Corales
Hello, my name is Nathaly. I am a guitarist who always liked to draw but never took it seriously until I took a drawing class in college last year, which made me remember how much I loved drawing. I love all Art in general but making music and drawing are my two favorites.
I drew this self-portrait in order to use it as a poster for my Senior Guitar Recital in College. The full poster is 18″x24″ but the self-portrait drawing is about 16″x15″ on its own. It was made with Graphite.
I believe that the Drawing Academy is a good place to learn good fundamentals. It does not matter if you want to draw modern things because the fundamentals they offer are extremely important for every artist.
I hope to receive a Drawing Academy course in order to take my drawings to the next level.
If enough people vote for me and I receive one of the Drawing Academy courses, I will make the best use of it I can. I know that it takes many hours to be good at any craft, and I promise that with the help of the course I will try the best I can to make my art better.
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