Drawing by Kathleen Holmberg

Village Patriarch, Uncle Will, Birmingham, Alabama
From early childhood I have always been “making art”. Except for an art course in high school, some short-term workshops and workshops in the painting of Russian Byzantine Icons, I am pretty much self-taught. I did take college courses in the principles of teaching art in elementary schools, but no art courses as such. My self-taught art education I credit to the public libraries where I borrowed art books to teach myself how to draw and paint. Of course there was never much time to indulge in this self-satisfaction during my teaching years. Now in retirement having time for self-improvement is candy!
I am impressed with the quality of teaching I have viewed on the free art art lessons. I also like the fact that principles of the particular medium are taught, and not just the "how to do it". These lessons are well taught by competent, articulate artists. The lessons not only teach well the "how to do it", but the principles of art are very well presented and lay a good foundation for when one is on her own.
To start with, I am on a limited retirement budget. I cannot afford to take the Drawing Academy Course, nor attend local art classes (which are too short to lay down the principles, I think).
I want people to vote for me for two reasons. One is for my personal satisfaction is having the opportunity to become a better artist because it I find art making to be so satisfying and calming (I am in my eighties) , and because I enjoy helping other residents in my retirement village to find they can do more than " draw that straight line with a ruler". I believe the arts are meant not just for the creator, but are meant to be shared.
Beautiful work!
The drawing by Kathleen Holmberg is absolutely beautiful. Phenomenal. I vote yes to this winner.
I like very much. I vote for Kathleen Holmberg.
Congratulations, Kathleen. Your drawings are wonderful, Uncle Will looks like a really dear fellow.
Keep up the good work. ddirks
I vote wholeheartedly for this drawing and this artist, Kathleen Holmberg!
What a beautiful, sensitive drawing. This artist has enormous potential. Carol Tauer
I vote for Kathleen! Good luck!
I love the expressiveness in the face and hands. And I know you will be a conduit for what you learn to many people.
What a beautiful drawing. You have a real talent Kathleen. I vote for Kathleen Holmberg.
I vote fore Sister… It’s never too late to learn!
I vote for Kathleen…beautiful
I vote for Kathleen
Amazing drawing. I vote for Kathleen!
Wow! Kate, your drawing is fantastic! You can just sense this man’s humanity and dignity. Best of luck to you!!
I vote for Kathleen Holmberg’s portrait! Exceptional drawing that captures the contemplativeness of the subject.
My vote is for Kathleen Holmberg. I’ve sat here looking at Uncle Will, and I’d love to know him. His face has gentleness and strength, and I’m sure his tales of life would be marvelous to hear. May your talent give you this opportunity to grow even further in your art.
I vote for K. Holmberg. I so enjoy her work. She will continue to inspire so many people
Love the drawing by Kathleen Holmberg. She is a very talented artist.
I haven’t said that before but I still think it I vote for Kathleen enthusuasticly
Kathleen, good for you to continue exploring ways to expand your artistic talent. I most certainly vote for you. Best wishes.
This is amazing work from a largely self-taught artist – you can almost see the life Uncle Willie lived just through the lines on his face. I definitely vote for Kathleen Holmberg’s drawing.
I looked at all 34 entries for this competition. Of course, artwork is subjective, and everyone has different likes. A number of them caught my eye, but Kathleen’s drawing is my favorite.
Kathleen has an artistic gift for beauty. I love her drawing. It is my favorite. My hope is that she is chosen for the drawing class so that her talent can contribute to making the world a better place for us to live in.
Kathleen works, not just for herself, but to share her talent with those around her. Her work is sensitive and I vote to give her an opportunity to grow her talent, to grow her outreach, to grow her world. Please put her at the top of the list. Thank you….
Kathleen’s work is remarkable. I vote for her.
What a talent! How could I not vote for her? I look forward to her winning.
Absolutely breath-taking!
I vote for Kathleen Holmberg and her Uncle Will. I see his kindness and character shining through.
I vote for Kathleen. Love tour drawing, Kathleen. You are truly talented!
I vote for Kathleen. I have always loved her work.
Thank you all for voting for me and for leaving comments. I would much appreciate for you to invite your friends to take a look at the drawing of Uncle Will and vote. KH
Kathleen – I have long admired your icons and this new medium offers whole new realms of possibility for you. Good luck with winning – you have my vote!
I vote for Kate
A vote for Kathleen’s work.
This is my support for old man AND hawk.
He is delightful and you are good. I hope you win.