Artwork by NiKole

The Edge
My name is NiKole, and I am a busy mom to five kids. I love the outdoors, and I love to see new things and then drawing or painting them.
I love art. I have found that it is such a fabulous way to de-stress, and I love when my kids get involved and join in.
I have learned that as a mom who doesn’t have large chunks at a time to paint, pan watercolors and pencil are the perfect medium. I love seeing a beautifully lit scene and trying to capture it.
I have two challenges in art – the first is time management and making sure that I keep up with drawing consistently and not letting other things get in the way, and the other is my own perfectionism. Too often, a good idea stays in my head because I am afraid I won’t be able to get it on the paper the way I want.
I want to learn how to draw whole scenes. I tend to get stuck on the focal points, and then the background suffers. I really would also like to strengthen my overall art skills. I want to be able to sit down with an idea in my head or a scene in front of me and be able to capture it well.
I am very interested in the Drawing Academy. I previewed what would be taught in the art classes, and they are exactly what I am looking for. I think it’s a great alternative for someone who loves art, but going to an art school isn’t a possibility.
I want to win the Drawing Academy course so that I can draw better. I want to learn the anatomy and how to draw it, and I find the architectural drawings very interesting. I want to be better at drawing realistic drawings.
I would love to win this contest. I am self-taught, and work hard, and can’t wait to see what I can learn from this course.
Thank you all in advance for any votes and shares!!!