On 30 May, 2017 With
Help me paint a better life!
Hello, my name is Aaronn. I’m 21 years old and I enjoy fine art to the core.
Art, in general, takes first place in my life. Whenever I feel drowned out by the busy world and need any inspiration, I remind myself of the art that is in everyday life. The challenges that I personally have in art are not really challenges. The love that I have for art helps me to see them as little games. When I cannot figure out how a certain composition came to be, it is fun to figure it out. It brings me personal great joy to try & figure out how what I see came to be and the different ways it can be represented. It wouldn’t be a false statement to say I want to learn everything; I want to be able to paint from sight and from my imagination. I don’t want to limit myself as to what I can create, which is why I found Drawing Academy.
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On 29 May, 2017 With
New Career inspired by Grandma Moses
I am a retired, well almost, accountant, grandmother of 13, and have painted most of my adult life. I have had to leave it for lengthy periods of time when life got in the way. Now I have the freedom to pursue becoming an accomplished artist.
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On 29 May, 2017 With
So happy to be a painter
I’ve been painting for about 16 years in my free time between jobs (I’m a freelancer). I love painting and I love learning all that I can about it. So much so that I’ve been teaching others for the last 5 years.
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On 28 May, 2017 With
My name is Makayla, but I liked to be called Mast.
I’m only in high-school, but one day I want art to be my career.
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On 27 May, 2017 With
My name is Laith Nasr-eldin Abuarram.
I like to draw and for last 8 months I was self-learning drawing. My dream is to become a professional fine artist.
When I found the Drawing Academy website, I was shocked – everything I wanted to learn about drawing is available there. I know that this drawing course will give me a great help in improving my drawing skills.
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On 26 May, 2017 With
Beauty in nature
The visual arts has brought me through 37 years of life. It kept me occupied as a young child, and has given me a career goal as an adolescent. Today, it is what I must do to stay alive with my sanity in order. Throughout my journey in life, I have always wanted the ability to draw like the old masters do. To have the technical clarity to express myself in any way, shape, or value is more than a desire. It is a need that I have neglected for to long.
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On 23 May, 2017 With
My name is Layth Abuarram, I’m from Palestine.
I love drawing so much and I’m working hard to improve my drawing skills.
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On 22 May, 2017 With
Artwork and story by Paulette Gautier
I have loved Art all of my life since I was a little child. My fascination with traditional painting has led me to study the methods and techniques of the old masters…
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On 18 May, 2017 With
Designer that could become and artist
My name is Karina and I live in Palma de Mallorca. I’m a fashion designer who discovered a pasión for art when began designing my fashion clothes. I wanted to make perfect small details of my designs, and something that was only a part of the process become super important in my life.
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On 18 May, 2017 With
A “Wanna Be” Artist – Novice to Pro
I am a retired school administrator (gifted and talented, Advanced Placement programs). I have loved art since I was in grade school and encouraged by my mom. I received a full oil painting set when I graduated from high school and took a few college classes in art. I did very little painting while raising a family but when I retired I began painting again. I made progress but never could get to the “advanced artist” level.
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