Artwork by Mo
Ready and determined
Hi all,
Oil painting is my passion. I love it and I am determined to learn more and more about it and be a pro at it.
Hi all,
Oil painting is my passion. I love it and I am determined to learn more and more about it and be a pro at it.
I am Subrata Chatterjee from West Bengal, India. After completing my B.A, I completed B.F.A (Painting) with First Class from I.K.S.V. in 2004. Now I am a full time artist and an illustrator of Kolkata Books.
Art is my alter ego. I roam in the world of it, with it and finally try to reach its core of endless beauty.
I am Ekundayo Femi, a beginner self-taught artist & an aspiring 3D Animator from a remote town in the South-Western part of Nigeria.
I was so obsessed with ART as a kid when 2D Animation & Newspaper Cartoons were still the norm of the day. I could remember, I drew a portrait which I was so proud of regardless how it turned out.
With time, artist blocks set in, forcing me to believe only the talented could do it right; until a year ago when I read a blog post which addressed this issue & also revived the artist in me.
Life moves fast. One moment I was in high school not realizing the opportunities and meaning of pursuing my dream. The next thing I knew, I was a mom of a 20-year-old son, a ranch wife and a business owner. As life would have it, I had the opportunity to take a single drawing class at a local college and the spark that had once been lit was once again on fire! I feel I have something to say or show and my skills are not yet honed enough to express myself as I want! I would like to leave a legacy – something that means something to someone.
I’m Innkira, this is my art-name.
I used to love art since I was a little girl; unfortunately, in my country I couldn’t draw that much, but my passion for art is growing day by day. I’m curious and always thirsty for art.
As a little child I used to go to an abandoned house nearby. When I entered that house for the first time, I remember that I took some white papers hung them on the wall and, with help of my imagination, I saw myself as an artist at his first gallery. It was the best moment in my life. I used to dream about living that day in reality after studying art at a real academy.
Hello, I am 69 years old and I always had a burning desire to draw. I was drawing circles, cups, and crazy items without even realizing I was doing it, especially when I used to work. My co-workers told me “not bad” and I would get embarrassed.
Now that I have retired, I find myself drawing a lot! Mostly portrait art and I come very close to a person I am drawing (so they say) and I love it.
I wanted to become an artist to make composite police sketches to portraits to better identify the criminals. I have a stroke and started drawing again as time healed me.
Drawing makes me feel good and to learn how other artists create artworks, I went to an art school. My challenges in drawing is shading and blending and getting proportions right; after 17 years I still can’t eye ball it.
Drawing Academy is a great place for a beginning artist to pick up some good tips.
I am a seventy-six year old woman who lives in the country surrounded by beautiful mountains.
I have had no formal art training. I am self taught in many mediums but my favorite would have to be water colors. I have been painting with different mediums for over 40 years. Paintings as small as a 2 inch square and as large as a wall. Some were sold but most were given to family members and close friends.
Hello everyone,
I love to draw but I lack some skills and knowledge od drawing principles that I would like to learn. I have been trying to improve my drawing for the past two years through self-learning but have not improved much.
So, I decided to learn art and drawing online and found to be a very helpful website!
My name is Laurent Reboul and I’m 56 years old. I’ve lived in the San Francisco bay area my whole life.
Although I’ve been more of a musician most of my adult life, I do love to draw and paint every chance I can. I’ve settled for digital art as it allows me to access more tools and references. I’ve gotten to the point now where I would like to get beyond my now, stagnant, level. My dream is to paint on big Canvases with oils, but I need to learn a lot more, to say the least!