Artwork by Nancy Green

A “Wanna Be” Artist – Novice to Pro
I am a retired school administrator (gifted and talented, Advanced Placement programs). I have loved art since I was in grade school and encouraged by my mom. I received a full oil painting set when I graduated from high school and took a few college classes in art. I did very little painting while raising a family but when I retired I began painting again. I made progress but never could get to the “advanced artist” level.
I recently met a professional artist who is giving me lessons and encouraging my development. Already I see improvement and am looking forward to learning more every day. It i unbelievably exciting how with every lesson a new horizon opens up. I am thrilled with my progress and want to know more and more.
The professional artist that I am working with has introduced me the the Web Academy and encouraged me to participate. I am like a sponge and just want to soak up all I can, he tells me I will need to “paint miles of canvas” and I am excited to do that daily. Hence the Web Academy will be my instructor when my artist friend is unavailable. Already with the free lessons I have gained valuable information. I hope to become a member soon!
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