Art Competition Archive

Realistic drawings by Kalina

Realistic drawings by Kalina


I’m 30 years old and I’m from Poland. I work as accountant in small clinic. I’m a self-taught artist.

Art is very important in my life, since I was little girl I love to draw. Art always helps me in the hard time in my life. It’s very relaxing for me.

My challenges is to have fun with art as much as I can.

I love to draw portraits so I would like to know more about it. My dream is to make realistic drawings.

I think that Drawing Academy is very good online platform to learn more and more about art. Everything that offers can support skills form begginers to advanced artists.

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Drawing by Richard Gomes

Drawing by Richard Gomes

Leander Paes … Tennis Icon

I am Richard from India. I started drawing at a very early age of 5. But as I started loving drawing I was told by my parents and elders to concentrate on studies and not waste time on drawings. I started getting fond of figurative drawings … human as well as animals. The anatomy, the shape, the form; started fascinating me. Anyhow I tried to manage some time out to draw. After my high school I wanted to join Government Art College…

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Drawing by Vibhu Dhawan

Mystic Statue

I am a self-trained artist, who has had great help attending one painting workshop a decade back. I am a healthcare professional, living in two different continents. I spend more time imagining doing art, rather than actually putting brush to canvas. This is the challenge than I have to overcome, my laziness.

The Drawing Academy course has already helped me try drawing a statue that has intrigued me in my hometown for a long time. I don’t know why this statue is placed in a very crowded marketplace, and why it is broken! Using western drawing techniques I wish to explore such spots further and entertain my viewers.

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Drawing by Lee

Drawing by Lee

Old, not Obsolete

I am a 16 year old girl, from the United Kingdom, who has been teaching herself to draw ever since the age of 8. Over the past 8 years I have done a range of different artworks, trying to find ways to better myself and improve as not only an artist but as an influencer, as artwork, no matter what kind, always has an influence.

My life revolves around art. I could wake up, and the intricate patterns of my bed sheets inspire me, I could go to school and see different faces— different energies— they inspire me. I create as I feel the inspiration, and since the inspiration is not short of everywhere I’m almost always creating something.

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Jerry Gadd Art

Jerry Gadd Art

I studied and finished art with the LeMillet School of Art in Baltimore, Maryland, USA and worked as an artist and illustrator for many years as and artist and illustrator, and am now retired from my job with the University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland. I live in Westminster, which is several miles north of Baltimore Maryland, USA. I am able now to pursue my love for art and painting, both out door painting and in the studio.

I’m now able to pursue my love for drawing and painting, which is my passion in life. I am able to feel confident about my art and find venues for exhibiting my art. Although I’ve been working in art, with both drawing and painting for a long time, I still find that I want to learn more, with the freedom and proportional drawing that you can obtain from life, weather it’s figure drawing or landscape drawing or painting…

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Artwork by Gopi Ghosh

Artwork by Gopi Ghosh

Nomads of the Thar desert

Hailing from a rural background and having lived a life involving hectic development work from village level coops to the national ministry and onto the UN, I am settled into my twilight years where nature, music, photography and art suddenly become so integral part of my life now. Having lived and travelled in places like Shantiniketan, New Delhi, all over India, and then USA, roamed in the Himalayas and streets of Rome and some of the south east Asian countries, the wonderful variety of people, their lives and culture, the amazing spectrum of nature (terra firm, rivers, ocean, flora, fauna) and the aesthetics now overwhelm me.

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Drawing by Cyril W Pereira

Drawing by Cyril W Pereira

Cyril’s Passion for Art

Hello All,

I am Cyril W. Pereira from Mumbai, India. Art has always fascinated me ever since my childhood days. I worked around my burning passion by doodling, and sketching whatever my imagination focused on during the moment.

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Artwork by Susan Cookston

Artwork by Susan Cookston

Cookston, you wouldn’t understand

My name is Susan Cookston. My game is painting portraits. I recently composed a “family story” for a friend instead of just a portrait. We decided to call it Fishtales. I took all of her photos of a fishing trip she took with her sons, then added her parents and grandparents so she could pass it on after she was gone. I was happy that I was able to tell her story.

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Artwork by Nancy Sara

Artwork by Nancy Sara

After all that we do


I am Nancy Sara, an illustrator working with ink and watercolour. I started illustrating recently and found it to be a unique undiscovered part of me.

I find human face to be enticing but stuck when I can not bring out my own version to paper.

I came across Drawing Academy a few weeks ago and it is such a plethora of information. If I could win a course I would definitely like to pursue bringing out the nuances in human expressions. And Drawing Academy seems to shorten the learning curve and give a certain confidence that I would not get by my self taught procedures.

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Artwork by Tom Ansell

Artwork by Tom Ansell

To bridge the gaps

My name is Tom Ansell. I am 25 and live in the South-West Region of Australia. Over the past 9 years, I have obtained certificates, a diploma, and two degrees in visual art. Since that time, I have also taken a self-directed approach to learning more about visual language and art whilst completing experiments, commission-based work and taken up grants. The image I have included demonstrates my enjoyment for life and gestural drawing and experimentation as it was completed using a toothbrush and ink.

I enrolled in the courses listed above with the aim of understanding more about the “art” in visual art, and whilst all of these forms of education have helped, I found a lack of focus on the practical skill-building and concrete understanding of the fundamentals. I have since come to a realization that this particular knowledge is offered through the Drawing Academy, and is taught in the spirit and focus to that of the Old Masters and great draftsmen that I have always admired.

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