Drawing by Richard Gomes

Leander Paes … Tennis Icon
I am Richard from India. I started drawing at a very early age of 5. But as I started loving drawing I was told by my parents and elders to concentrate on studies and not waste time on drawings. I started getting fond of figurative drawings … human as well as animals. The anatomy, the shape, the form; started fascinating me. Anyhow I tried to manage some time out to draw. After my high school I wanted to join Government Art College but it was a strict No from my parents. So my career graph took a different look. I became a commerce graduate. Then I did 3D animation and I became computer addicted. I was away from traditional art for about 25 years. About 2-3 years back accidentally I got attracted to few websites on traditional art. Again something happened to me and I felt the urge to get indulged into drawing. So for last couple of years I started re brushing my drawing ability. I started doing acrylic and oil paintings too. Being busy with my profession still I try to take out some time to do drawings and paintings.
I have done a portrait in charcoal to participate in this competition because I love realism and it is a challenge to go for details while keeping the shape and proportion in mind and execute it accurately as much as possible.
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