Classical portrait by Zora
Artwork by Drawing Academy student
Here is my drawing of the hero Meleager. Previously I made drawings of parts of the face, lips and nose, ears, eyes, head, following Drawing Academy lessons.
As a Drawing Academy student, you can exhibit your artworks in this online gallery.
We want to see your drawings before, during and after the Drawing Academy Course.
Here is my drawing of the hero Meleager. Previously I made drawings of parts of the face, lips and nose, ears, eyes, head, following Drawing Academy lessons.
Now I finally got through both the Drawing Academy and the Anatomy Master Class courses. It took me a while. I understand that I have a long way to go to master the art of drawing; however, I have developed a habit to practice a little every day and, from where I see it, I have learned a lot.
Dear Drawing Academy Instructor and Student colleagues:
I have been a student of the Drawing Academy and the Web Art Academy for some years already and more recently I signed up for Old Masters Academy.
I value a lot the programs offered for a very simple reason: I can learn in my own time and at a pace that I can control, and I appreciate having this a kind of flexibility.
Here is a oil portrait of my friend who is a lawyer.
Here is a self portrait in soft pastels on brown colored pastel sheet. For this work I have used reference photo. Actually I want to do self portrait with the help of mirrors instead of using photo reference.