On 17 May, 2018 With
Drawing Academy review by Daya Santos
I took some oil painting classes & fashion drawing classes. I was looking for a classical drawing course for a long time, because the art college classes don’t care for teaching art techniques anymore.
With the Drawing Academy, I’ve learned so much, and exactly what I wanted to learn and more, so much more. I remembered when I saw a video on YouTube from the Drawing Academy, about what I would learn on the course. And I was so overwhelmed and excited with the beauty of the teachings. And I’m looking forward to do the other courses – Anatomy & Painting too.
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On 11 Apr, 2018 With
Thank You!
Now I finally got through both the Drawing Academy and the Anatomy Master Class courses. It took me a while. I understand that I have a long way to go to master the art of drawing; however, I have developed a habit to practice a little every day and, from where I see it, I have learned a lot.
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On 10 Mar, 2018 With
Drawing Academy graduate
I have been drawing for many years, but all those years before enrolling in the Drawing Academy I did not know a human head proportions and anatomy and had been using grid to copy portraits. I also didn’t know how to draw in perspective.
I have learnt a lot in the Drawing Academy course. Now I can draw what I see or imagine (even though it’s not perfect) because I know the rules of constructive drawing, understand perspective and proportions and know the steps of portrait drawing.
I can proudly say that my drawing skills improved so much thanks to this drawing course.
I would recommend Drawing Academy to everyone who would like to learn professional drawing techniques and push drawing skill on a higher level.
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On 24 Feb, 2018 With
Thank you Drawing Academy!
I absolutely LOVE being a member of the Drawing Academy. I hesitated for nearly a year to join and am so thrilled that I finally made the commitment. Being able to take my time through the classes lets me savor and “master” the lessons. Instead of rushing through to meet some kind of imaginary deadline, I watch the videos and practice the technique. Oftentimes, as with perspective drawing, I go back and re-watch the video to fully grasp the technique.
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On 2 Feb, 2018 With

Story by by Mia Vujović
Ever since I remember, all I truly wanted to do is to draw.
In high school I went to two art workshops, and now I’m a first year student at Art Academy in Cetinje, Montenegro, studying painting. But I’m not really being taught the rules, it’s more based on expressing yourself.
I found out about http://DrawingAcademy.com on Youtube. I watched some of Academy’s free videos and it was like a goldmine, I got more information in 6 minutes here than I was collecting over 6 months elsewhere.
I find the Drawing Academy system of teaching the most efficient and I think it will teach me more than my art academy.
I think Drawing Academy can help me a lot in fulfilling my goal of becoming a better artist and making my mission come true.
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On 2 Feb, 2018 With

Winner’s feedback
Three month ago, Peter Richard Giles has been awarded the Drawing Academy membership as a winner of the Drawing Academy Survey.
Here’s what Peter says about this drawing course…
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On 31 Jan, 2018 With
My princess
Before starting this wonderful course with the Drawing Academy, I was just a beginner and having lots of lessons and instructions from my art teacher, Ronnie Rayner Larter, who won the Drawing Academy Art Competition two years ago.
Ronnie advised me to enter the same competition. I was determined to win because knowing how to draw well is an ambition, an ambition to have the skills to draw anything, which will help me to enrol on a Fashion Degree course I am now applying for…
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On 23 Jan, 2018 With
Thank you, Alex!
We are very grateful to Alex Brown for his kind words about the Drawing Academy course…
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On 13 Jan, 2018 With
Drawing Academy course has changed my artistic world!
I have started learning art in 1999 with Denzil Herring. I believe that if you can’t draw you can’t paint… and I am drawing ever since.
Drawing Academy made me look at fundamental drawing rules and principles and helped to study the subject matter with deeper understanding.
I’m now able to do art I like, compose it myself and give attention to detail and tonal values.
I recommend the Drawing Academy course to all students that want to further their art skills and career.
I am an art tutor for more than 10 years and I learned a lot from Drawing Academy.
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On 12 Jan, 2018 With
I received the full Drawing Academy course in November 2017 and since then I have been learning various techniques and principles from this course video lessons and also practicing whenever possible.
What impressed me the most, is the importance of of fundamental rules of drawing explained in this drawing course…
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