Drawing Academy review by Franci du Plessis

Drawing Academy course has changed my artistic world!
I have started learning art in 1999 with Denzil Herring. I believe that if you can’t draw you can’t paint… and I am drawing ever since.
Drawing Academy made me look at fundamental drawing rules and principles and helped to study the subject matter with deeper understanding.
I’m now able to do art I like, compose it myself and give attention to detail and tonal values.
I recommend the Drawing Academy course to all students that want to further their art skills and career.
I am an art tutor for more than 10 years and I’ve learned a lot from the Drawing Academy.
To learn professional drawing techniques,
Enroll in the Drawing Academy Course:
Three Monthly Installments
Pay for the course in 3 easy installments
- Receive 15 new videos monthly (45 in total)
- Incredible discount – $4,164
- Bonuses - Fine Art eBooks and Videos
- Drawing Academy Diploma of Excellence after course completion in 3 months
- Personal coaching by Drawing Academy Tutors
- Lifetime membership. Free after the 3rd month
Complete Course - BEST VALUE
Get all video lessons for a one-time payment
- Immediate access to all 45 video lessons
- Incredible discount – $4,198
- Bonuses - Fine Art eBooks and Videos
- Drawing Academy Diploma of Excellence after course completion in 3 months
- Personal coaching by Drawing Academy Tutors
- Lifetime membership. No more payments
Categorized: Drawing Academy Reviews , Students Gallery
what a beautiful artwork!
These horses are so realistic, great job
i drew some horses before their the hardest to draw cause of the long head jaw and nose. but using a t square tuler is straight where as plastic rulers and wooden ones have a slight arc to it ill show you some soon.
tres beaux travail
I really like this painting, what a lovely work of art! I’m thinking to enter the Drawing Academy
Hello Franci,
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful artwork! The horses are gorgeous!
I totally approve of all the positive experiences you describe being an art academy student and member myself and getting so much help from the http://WebArtAcademy.com and Drawing Academy as well as the http://OldMasters.academy by excellent instruction, shared experiences and down to earth art basics to learn -hopefully and with the challenge to be true to nature and reality and to your own artistic imagination thereby bending and hopefully transforming the artcraftsmanship of what you see and what you know in a convincing way.
Hi Frncie,
Nice work. You must be getting some special assistance which is fantastic. I am trying to complete a simple still life for evaluation and have gone through three compositions and on my fourth. I never use to have this kind of a problem because most all my work has been copy work which I have never been satisfied.
Hope you continue to have such fine success. It appears as if you are doing quiet well.
Best of good fortune to you and hoping I too can have half the success you are having.