On 30 Mar, 2015 With
Artwork by Johann Krammer, Drawing Academy graduate
This picture shows the face of a 79 year old lady. A very energetic and fun-loving woman, who are written her 79 years of life in her face. Her every wrinkle tells a new story…
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On 17 Jan, 2015 With
I have a trouble with 3/4 view portraits. How can I improve this portrait proportions? Thank you, Anna Feedback from Vladimir London, Drawing Academy Tutor Dear Anna, Many thanks for your portrait, I like it; however, as you pointed out, it can be improved. You can do the following: 1. Draw the central line of the face from the top-middle…
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On 7 Jan, 2015 With
I happened to watch the Drawing Academy video on why drawing from a photo is treacherous and was quite impressed with it. This led me into this drawing course and now I am a very happy and keen learner. Thank you for such a wonderful course!
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On 14 Dec, 2014 With

Drawings by Svetlana, Drawing Academy student
Hi Vladimir,
In the shortest amount of time possible, I want to learn how to be an excellent artist. I realize this is the wish of almost every artist.
However, I think my drawing skills have not changed and I am still not satisfied with my artworks.
I like the Drawing Academy course; I learned a lot. I now know much more about drawing materials, how to hold a pencil, and how to render tonal values. I am still learning about perspective and anatomy…
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On 24 Nov, 2014 With
Artwork by Yasmeen Kanan, Drawing Academy student Hello! After viewing one of your critiques given to another student, and after viewing the drawings that you have uploaded to improve our pencil strokes, I decided to take you advice and do a study. First, I made a copy of a drawing (as mentioned above) and created a drawing of a real…
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On 18 Nov, 2014 With
Artwork by Slater, Drawing Academy student
I took your previous advice on how to shade with chalk pencil. I had to expose quite a bit of the chalk to sharpen it into a lasting point.
I decided not to smudge the marks.
The drawing I included is a copy of Masaccio’s St Paul…
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On 11 Nov, 2014 With
Drawings and questions from Anastasia
Dear Drawing Academy tutors,
I have some troubles with drawing a human head. It is OK when I copy a drawing, but when it comes to draw portraits from memory or imagination, I’m lost.
Can you please advise what to do? …
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On 7 Nov, 2014 With
Drawing by Yasmeen Kanan
Hello there! Just to tell you a little about myself, although I have been drawing a long time ago, but it is recently that I have started academic drawing… and I usually have a problem with being afraid of mistakes in drawing, whether it is in watercolor, pen, pencil, chalk, etc… so I try to get rid of this fear via the continuous practice, but I must make sure before graduating as a Visual Artist, that my basics are well established. That is why I have joined this Drawing Academy. The sketch I uploaded is daily practice, but I want to add character into my sketches and artworks. I love to portray mood and emotion even if it is just an academical sketch. I tried with chalk to increase the darkness although the in reality the…
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On 5 Nov, 2014 With
Dear Drawing Academy Tutors,
I’m having a difficult time rendering shapes tonally. I believe I am still much too dependent on hard lines to describe forms. This is why I think my drawing here appears two dimensional.
This drawing was done from a live model in charcoal. To me, it looks flat, and the shading is not very precise.
How do I improve my rendering skills so that my drawings look more three dimensional? …
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On 2 Nov, 2014 With
Drawings by Steven Nielsen, Drawing Academy student
I was attempting practice shading and gamut of pencil strokes. Here’s Sarah’s portrait. I feel that I may have overdone this drawing.
I feel I need to work on my hatching skills either I am impatient or I just hatch in a controlled chaos type of way.
I will be going to local studio on Wednesdays soon for life model drawing and I am a bit nervous about this as I am not the fastest drawer, but we shall see how this works out! …
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