Art Competition Archive

Lost my head

Lost my head

By Anita Nash

I have enjoyed drawing and painting for the last 20 years or so. I did a one year course in art and design after I left secondary school, which to be honest did not teach me very much.

I then went to art college and studied sculpture and combined media for 2 years. Honestly, the art college I attended was a bit of a joke. There was absolutely no technical training, it was all conceptual based. They wanted you to use video, sound and performance art, which I found very disheartening.

At present I am a lone parent at home raising my two children, and drawing and painting whenever I get the chance. I would love to receive a Drawing Academy placement, as I really would love to develop better drawing skills and pursue my dream to become a successful working artist. I would be ecstatic if I was chosen to receive a free Drawing Academy place…

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My Journey to becoming a fine artists

My Journey to becoming a fine artists

By Scott Rymill-Butcher

Hello to everyone,

My name is Scott, I have been dreaming of becoming a fine artist since I can remember sitting at the kitchen table drawing cartoon characters and copying pictures form my nanas calendars. The years have passed and I’m still not close to my dream. Like everyone work and life has gotten in the way. I have recently had a change in my life, and having to consider options to new career possibilities. But much like everything leading up till now, all I think about everyday is wanting to become the fine artist I see myself to be, drawing, painting and creating everyday wanting to submerge my whole self into art. Hoping to support my family though what I love and wish to achieve. I have come to realise that some time is needed on the foundation, in becoming a fine artist. And what better place to start, than back to the building blocks of every great fine artist has.

“My journey starts here”….

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A sacred search for the old masters techniques

A sacred search for the old masters techniques

By Camilo Rodriguez

Hey guys I am a South American artist who moved in Australia two years ago, always I have been a self learning person, I love religious and classic art so my style absorbs lots of elements from it, that I like to mix them with contemporary stuff. I have been studying the human figure and classic portrait, although there is a lot of websites and online teachers, I found the Drawing Academy the perfect site in where for sure I will enhance my drawing skills, and acquire all the techniques that the old masters used. Since I got to this country I have been searching for schools where to study drawing and painting but none of them teach the classic techniques, so I ended up studying Illustration mostly for learning digital and for understanding how the industry works. I am convinced that if I do this course I will take my art and my style into a higher level…

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The importance of a well sketched under-painting

The importance of a well sketched under-painting

By James Doherty

Painting has been a passion of mine for years I would only do light rough sketches in turp and burnt sienna. Since I have been sketching more in charcoal and using them as my under paintings I can see a huge improvement in my finished paintings.

The sketch I submitted is of Madame Du Barry she was the last mistress of king Louise the XV of France and was considered a fashion icon for more than 20 years until she became a victim of the French Revolution….

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Still Life By Otto Wientjes

Still Life By Otto Wientjes

By Otto Wientjes

I am 63 and a paint still-lives. I can find the right colors in oil and acrylic, however my drawing skill need improvement. Please vote for me.

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I’m just an artist

I’m just an artist

By Supri Wahyu

Well, my name is Supri. I live in a village in Indonesia. I am now 18 years old. When I was a kid I really loved drawing; and I still love it. In my region being an artist is not good because artists are poor. But it’s different for me now because when I found this site it’s changed my mind, changed what I feel about art, about seeing art. I want to be an artist. Sorry about my bad English.
Supri Wahyu Edi Nugroho

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Man tired of working

Man tired of working

By Mark Pol

The work of Mark Pol, also shown on his website, is in essence inspired by daily human life, without losing its vulnerability and the animal unpredictability. Despite the time-frame the painting or drawing might seem to be in, humanity is key in his work.

I need to win because it’s always good to learn more than you know already. It’s almost a wise way to live and be curious for knowledge…

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By Lim Kian Liong (Tommy)

My name is Lim Kian Liong (my nickname: Tommy) and I have a talent for painting since childhood, but I do not dare to be a painter because I am afraid I can not support the family. I still have the desire to do so until I get the Drawing Academy (searching internet). I want my abilities assessed, valued and for that I am trying to join the competition. Thank you…

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French Fine Art

French Fine Art

By Emmanuel

My name is Emmanuel, I am a 37 years old French art enthusiast. I live in Paris and I love drawing and all stuff related to art. When I saw for the first time a free video on YouTube of the Drawing Academy, I said wahh !! those guys are very good at what they do. Of course I subscribed to their channel, and I come from time to time watching tutorials. I think that winning this course will help me a lot to bring my drawings to the next level. Anyway, winning or not, I think that I will subscribe to this course because it is one of the best that I have seen online. I hope that the winner of this contest will win because he deserve it, not only because it is the guy who have more friends. Thank you all, I hope you will like my drawings…

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Long Neck Girl

Long Neck Girl

By Aviruth Meesupa

I’m living in Maehongson, north-west of THAILAND. I want to live by sell art but very hard to be like that…in the past I have a chance to study in university but not achieve….so that why I want to improve on my art skill and I love to learn with drawing…… Please, Give me a chance to improve my self. May be I’m a first guy from a remote country side to have a art class with you.
Thank you.
Aviruth Meesupa.
BallAviruth Meesupa

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