Family Love

Family Love

Artwork by Lois van Bart Emmerich

I’m a 56 year old South African female. I never had the chance or opportunity to study art. Before I could read or write, I had a pencil and paper with me wherever I went and would sit and draw. When I went to school, I was drawing portraits of my school friends rather than doing my schoolwork!! I don’t have any particular style of drawing. I basically just start drawing what’s in my mind or what I see. I always wanted to paint but just didn’t know where to start. Finally, in 2009, I built up enough courage with some assistance from Norbert Schling, one of the top South African artists. I purchased some oils and canvass and found my passion in life! I would love to be taught the correct drawing and painting techniques in order to make it possible for me to achieve what I know I am capable of doing once I have the know how.

I have only done 7 paintings. My first two paintings were entered into a local art competition and I got “A”‘s for them together with certificates. I’m entering my 7th painting into this competition. It’s entitled Family Love, and is very close to my heart as it is about my family. It portrays my parents and the five daughters. I have tried to show the different era’s between the parents portraits (done in greyscale), and the faded color of the schetches of the daughters. The rainbow portrays the promise and closeness of the family, and that no matter what, love overcomes all.

Family Love

Categorized: Art Competition Archive

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Craigernle says:

    Fantastic painting – the portraits are so realistic and such an unusual idea – very different. Hope you win – good luck!

  2. sande mott says:

    Such talent! Great imagination using the rainbow to stand for “the promise and closeness of the family, and that no matter what, love overcomes all.” Truly beautiful artwork… I hope you win sweetie.

  3. Clinton Puccinelli says:

    The comments above were posted by me. Good luck in the competition; I will definitely be rooting for you.

  4. Clinton Puccinelli says:

    Stunning composition, if this is the unfinished version, I cannot wait to see the finished painting.. It is hard to believe that you have had no formal training. Would love to see more of your work. All the best in the competition; we will be rooting for you.

  5. colleen maas says:

    I just love the combination of black and white portraits, and the contrast with colour for the children, the rainbow reminds us that families are not always perfect, but the promise that they will forever be tied together is there! I commend Lois, to be able to tell a story in a painting is difficult, especially without any formal art training.I can clearly see what she is portraying in this painting. FAMILY LOVE !!

  6. liz scott says:

    Wow! I am humbled by the artists ability to portray such a meaningful subject using the rainbow to bind the family unit. It is a joy to look at. I hope you win Lois

  7. Steve mass says:

    Exciting composition , has all the elements of someone with vision! And sentimentality!
    Rooting.for you ms emmerich!! O

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