I love drawing

I love drawing

Story and artwork from John D.

I have always wanted to draw. My first memories are full of graphite pencils, boxes of colored pencils and sketchbooks. When the time came to choose a major, I was set to begin my adult life immersed in fine art instruction. However, that was not to happen. With a family to support and warnings by most that artists always starve and so would my baby, I opted for computer science. That choice has served me well and therefore have always been able to support myself and family but unable to feed my soul with the artful desires of my childhood.

Now I’m retired and happy, I loved the drawing class that I got to briefly attend, it was so relaxing and now that I’m alone, I would love to take more lessons. That is why I want to win this Drawing Academy course.

I will not stop trying to satisfy this life long dream

I want to win this Competition and I need your help!

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