Drawing Academy News

Art College Bubble

Art College Bubble

Art College Bubble – Video Presentation

The Shocking Truth About Contemporary Art Education.

You’ve been told so many times by your teachers and parents that getting good grades in school can help you to get into a better college. And having a good college education will help you to get a better job, which in turn will result in a higher salary and quality of life.

Most American art students today have the expectation of a good quality of life and a successful artistic career simply by obtaining a college art degree. It is not necessarily the case.

Traditional, good quality art education, is replaced by the teaching system that can be summarized in just two words: “express yourself.”

How did this happen? Who benefits from this system? And what you can do about it?…

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Contemporary Art Bubble

Contemporary Art Bubble

Contemporary Art Bubble – Video Presentation

Is contemporary art a “real deal” or another bubble destined to burst? Inflated art prices will continue to rise as long as art buyers are willing to pay stupid money for stupid artworks.

There is a reason why new artists cannot draw. Their teachers have graduated a decade ago; they are not able to teach what they have not learned from their teachers who graduated two decades ago. Instead, they lecture how to be creative. Five years of such an education can be compressed in the two-word phrase: “express yourself.” All they can teach is how to paint polka dots or downward- running, multi-colour lines.

Fine art is not lost as long as someone has skills to create artworks that are beautiful and serve the purpose of inspiring and portraying all good things human kind has. It gives a real sense of satisfaction that fine art is very much alive. It is under attack and speculation by contemporary art market manipulators. They are trying to persuade us, by immense price tags, that only revolting and shocking art is to be called art. It is fated to change. Hundreds of years from now, no one will remember rotted animals by Damien Hirst, otherwise known as, an outstanding idiocy to the visual arts of the 21st century…

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12 Biggest Drawing Mistakes – Video, Part 4

12 Biggest Drawing Mistakes - Part 4

VIDEO: Twelve Biggest Drawing Mistakes Every Fine Artist Must Avoid – Part 4

By Vladimir London

This Video part exposes the following common erroneous approaches:

Erroneous drawing approach #10:
Relying on tools like rulers, pair of compasses and grey-scale value cards instead of training your hand and developing essential skills of visual judgement.

Erroneous drawing approach #11:
Using Five-pencil drawing method instead of relying on one or two pencil grades and trained hand.

Erroneous drawing approach #12:
Smudging the graphite pencil for softer effects.

Are you making such drawing mistakes?
Watch this video to learn how to avoid them…

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12 Biggest Drawing Mistakes – Video, Part 3

12 Biggest Drawing Mistakes - Part 3

VIDEO: Twelve Biggest Drawing Mistakes Every Fine Artist Must Avoid – Part 3

By Vladimir London

This Video part exposes the following common erroneous approaches:

Erroneous drawing approach #6:
Drawing objects without a knowledge of perspective.

Erroneous drawing approach #7:
Drawing without the knowledge and appreciation of golden ratio.

Erroneous drawing approach #8:
It does not matter how to hold a pencil.

Erroneous drawing approach #9:
Rendering shades without lifting the pencil.

Are you making such drawing mistakes?
Watch this video to learn how to avoid them…

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12 Biggest Drawing Mistakes – Video, Part 2

12 Biggest Drawing Mistakes - Part 2

VIDEO: Twelve Biggest Drawing Mistakes Every Fine Artist Must Avoid – Part 2

By Vladimir London

This Video part exposes such common erroneous beliefs as follows:

Erroneous belief #3:
I need to learn how to draw a particular subject like people or animals, or cars, etc.

Erroneous drawing approach #4:
Drawing what you see instead of drawing what you know.

Erroneous drawing approach #5:
Drawing people without the knowledge of human anatomy.

Are you making such drawing mistakes?
Watch this video to learn how to avoid them…

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12 Biggest Drawing Mistakes – Video, Part 1

12 Biggest Drawing Mistakes - Part 1

VIDEO: Twelve Biggest Drawing Mistakes Every Fine Artist Must Avoid – Part 1

By Vladimir London

As the fine art teacher and the founder of the Drawing Art Academy, I have met many fine art students around the World who had some erroneous beliefs about drawing.

Nevertheless, I am very glad that so many students in various countries are ego to study the realistic fine art. It is great that you are interested in traditional drawing techniques and want to improve your drawing skills.

Are you making those drawing mistakes? Watch this video to find out…

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Professional How to Draw Video Course Finally Available Online

Drawing Academy Course

How to Draw Video Course Launch

A high quality drawing video course presented by professional fine artists and teachers has been launched by the Drawing Academy.

The Drawing Academy offers 45 step-by-step ‘how to draw’ video lessons. With their own examples, Academy tutors present the complete process of creating drawings. Art students can now discover the traditional skills of craftsman and learn by watching professional fine artists in action…

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