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Seeing the bigger picture

Seeing the bigger picture

Question from Daniel, Drawing Academy student Hi, I’m a huge manga, anime and fantasy fan and that’s mostly how I like to draw. What are your thoughts towards this style of drawing combined with this course? And can I choose where to start? For example, my first goal is to become better at drawing manga in a more realistic way….

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Incredible Discount

Incredible Discount

Question from Chris Hello, I just happened upon your YouTube video. I’m 55 and have suddenly discovered that I love to draw – but despite coming from a family of extremely talented artists who can draw like a photograph, I have sadly never had that ability. Rather than show me how, they would simply show off. I played music instead….

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Questions about the Drawing Course

Questions about the Drawing Course

Questions from Gabriel Tapia

Dear Drawing Academy Tutors,

I am very interested in taking your online course. I already read the “FAQ” section in your webpage, but I still have some questions:
1. I admire classical drawing and I would really like to learn more about this topic. Nevertheless, I am rather used to a more “stylized” way of drawing (like the one you can find in American and Japanese comic books) since one of my main goals is to become a comic book artist. Is this course appropriate for me?

2. What kind of materials do I need?

3. If I decide to choose assignments, do I have deadlines for them? How long do I have to submit my assignments? (This information will be very helpful for me to organize my time.) Do these assignments have an additional cost?

4. Is there an additional cost for the “personal critique” service?

5. Does the Diploma of Excellence awarded after the course completion have international recognition?

6. Do you offer painting lessons as well? …

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Mechanical vs. wooden case pencils

Mechanical vs. wooden case pencils

Question from Alex, Drawing Academy student

Is it best to use the traditional pencils mentioned in video 1 of month one, or can we use a lead holder? I often use the Staedtler Mars 2.0 mm pencil for my drawings.

The lead for the pencil can be changed. For example, you can use 2B, HB, 6B and the other traditional hard and soft leads…

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What is the correct drawing position?

What is the correct drawing position?

Question from Andreas, Drawing Academy student

Hi Vladimir and Natalie!

My name is Andreas and I live in Sweden. I have been drawing and painting all my life, but for the last year I have been thinking about becoming an artist full time and since I found your site I think I can fulfill my desire. Thank you so very much!:)

Anyway, my question concerns the position I should draw in. I have both an upright easel and a drawing table at home that I can choose any angle I want to work in. For most of the time I draw sitting on a chair in front of the table and it works well, but then I saw in the video of “how to hold the pencil” that standing is the best position…

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Photo-Realistic Rendering vs. Hatching

Photo-Realistic Rendering vs. Hatching

Question from Carol, Drawing Academy student

Dear Vladimir,

First of all, I want to thank you for the course. I have been inspired to work more diligently at my drawing.

I have wondered why hatching is considered superior to shading? At first I did not like the look of hatching, but as I have studied more and more drawings by the masters, I have come to find it very beautiful. My pencil, however, sometimes goes back automatically to what you might call grade school drawing. Nevertheless, I love doing the hatching and cross hatching. I practice this on whatever paper is available. I’m afraid walls might be next…

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How long does it take to learn drawing?

How long does it take to learn drawing?


Recently, we received several messages from different subscribers, asking very similar questions:

– How long does it take to learn drawing?

– How long it will take me to complete the Drawing Academy course?

– Is my enrollment in the course time based?

– Can I take more time to complete each lesson?

– What is the full length of all video lessons?

– Will drawing lessons be available after 3 months? …

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How to measure with a pencil

How to measure with a pencil

Question from Clayton, Drawing Academy student

What is the best way to measure with a pencil?

Can you explain in more detail how I can measure the proportions of what I am drawing with my pencil? …

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