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Is it bad to rotate the drawing board?

Is it bad to rotate the drawing board?

Question from Edward Pan

When shading, I find I sometimes have the tendency to rotate the drawing board back-and-forth so that a certain area becomes more reachable for my hand. Is this a correct approach? …

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What is the purpose of gesture drawing

What is the purpose of gesture drawing

Question from Roxane

At almost every life drawing session, we start with several one-minute, two-minute and five-minute gesture drawings. I find these short sessions very frustrating. Please correct me on this and give me some goal for each short session…

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17 Steps of Portrait Drawing

17 Steps of Portrait Drawing

Question from Joey

I have been trying to find an effective way to draw the head, from any angle, in my imagination. One drawing tutor uses a technique in which he adds circles to the side planes of the head and with that, he measures the ears and adds the chin. Can you tell me how the Old Masters addressed this task? …

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What are the best art courses?

What are the best art courses?

Question from Emil, Drawing Academy student

I just joined the Drawing Academy on-line course. I am very impressed with your approach and philosophy to drawing education.

I work as an engineer, and I draw as a hobby, and for my personal development. I started drawing about one year ago, and very soon I realized that the best drawings are by the Old Masters. However, I was very surprised that in Sydney, Australia nobody is teaching old master techniques. I took two drawing courses, but they only taught how to make some kind of “effective” drawing, or they do not teach anything at all. Then, I obtained many books, and I watched many videos, but I could not find any system that was of quality, until I came to your Web page. I found it by searching for silver point techniques. Now, I have begun to watch your videos, and am drawing based on your instructions.

Do you know of any short courses on drawings similar to your approach. I can go anywhere in the world for a month or two for intensive drawing course. I like the Russian Academy of Art in Florence, but I cannot be away for one year…

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What makes a great comic artist?

What makes a great comic artist?

Question from James

“I’m interested in drawing from a comic/graphic perspective, and not so much a realism point of view. Does this course look at things like that also?” …

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What is the fair price for a drawing course

What is the fair price for a drawing course

Question from David


You seem to have a very nice art course. I was wondering what the length of each instructional video was.

Not to be difficult, but the claimed $4000 course value makes each lesson about $90. I’m sure that $250 is probably a fair price, and much better than $4000, but depending on the lesson lengths, $250 may also be a stretch… just wondering.

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