How to stay motivated in art

Question from Na’Taya Moore
How do I stay motivated when my drawing doesn’t look the way I pictured it in my head?
Dear Na’Taya Moore,
To answer, we will re-phrase your question:
“How do I stay motivated when my poem, written in Japanese, is not as good as I have it in my head?”
Providing that Japanese is not your mother tongue, why do you have expectations to write perfect poems in a language you haven’t mastered yet?
The same is true with drawing.
Drawing is the visual language of communication that people are not born with, they have to study and practice it to become “fluent” in it.
If you didn’t go through rigorous formal art education and 10,000 hours of drawing practice under a talented tutor, why do you feel unmotivated when not every drawing comes out as you pictured it in your mind?
We think the answer is very obvious now. Get strong drawing skills first to draw good pictures from imagination.
To improve your art skills, you can enroll in the Drawing Academy course below on this page.
Kind regards,
Natalie Richy and Vladimir London
Drawing Academy tutors
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