Bertie – my friend till the End

Artwork by Wendie Homewood
Hiya my name is Wendie and I am trying to learn how to draw and paint – perhaps just like some of you. I want to tell you a heart breaking story for sympathy vote or something like that but truth be told I’m ordinary. I’m middle aged do my own gardening and DIY as I’m on my own now. I needed something to get some life back into me. Into my heart. After loads of bad choices and three bad marriages I’ve finally found the love of my life. He picks me up when I’m down, gives me something to think about when I’m lonely I’m just not very good at him yet. I call him Bertie the brush. To help me draw and paint better than my poor pussy cat picture please vote for me as I can’t afford this site. Go on help an old girl get some colour back into her life. A vote for me is a vote for Bert go on vote who can it hurt?
I want to win the Drawing Academy course to be able to get professional help.
Please vote for me because we all have a Bertie or Bessie Brush we love.
I think this woman is Fantastic