Art Competition Archive

Mike Fairless Art

I studied art throughout my education, albeit in the wrong institutions. Had I known about Ateliers back then, I would have loved to pursue my artistic educational programme in this direction. I am now married to a beautiful woman and we have two beautiful children working full time for a financial institution.

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Learn for life!

Artwork and story from Jennifer Liu

I am an artist from High Point, North Carolina, U.S.A., or, to be exact, I am a citizen of the world since in my adult life, I have lived in 11 cities and four countries (China, Panama, Jamaica, and the United States). I have loved to draw since I was little and I am a student of all great artists present and past. I am fluent in four languages and hold an M.A. degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures (Spanish) from a U.S. university with the highest GPA. I have been working as a translator and interpreter for many years since graduation. Besides art and languages, I also enjoy a variety of other hobbies and interest. I am a lifetime learner and believe learning is its own reward.

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Knowing oneself

Artwork and story from Dr Gopi Ghosh

At the ripe age of sixty years I thought my active life was over till I am bitten by the bug called ART. Photography was there in small way but the charm of creating ones own form of aesthetics pestered upon. I started some small pencil and ink work and slowly started playing around with the left-over colours and pastels of my children- now grown up.

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Andrée Gendron

First, I need to say that French is my native language. So I hope the readers will be able to capture my feelings through this short English text.

I have started drawing about 18 months ago. I quickly discovered a new artistic passion, in addition to music playing on my guitar. As a beginner, I explore different techniques and medias in a way to improve my drawing skills and find my artistic expression at the same time. I have also tried some watercolor and acrylic painting. Since January 2020, I am drawing everyday.

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I Love Drawing to Explore and Communicate

Drawing and story from Eleanore Ditchburn

Making and sharing art is a central part of my life. The ability to create art is a fundamental way of communication between the artist and the viewer which I treasure.

My challenge when making art is to nurture creativity and hone my skills to express my ideas in an inviting way for the viewer. I only wish I had endless hours to spend creating art.

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Dumbledore Lives

Artwork by Wendi Macpherson

Hello to all reading this and thank you in advance for your time. For me art is therapy. I say this because I am on forced retirement from work due to multiple health concerns. Drawing and creating allows me to drift away from the pain and hopelessness that chronic illness brings. I started drawing when I was diagnosed about 6 yrs ago. At first I could hardly hold the pencil but I was determined to persist. Learning to draw and producing portraits that people recognize gives me back a sense of accomplishment and self worth. Anyone with or who knows someone with chronic illness will understand this. I share this information not so people will feel sorry for me but to emphasize the importance of art in my life.

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Catherine Field

I started painting when I retired a year and a half ago. I was surprised to see what I could do, really loving it and how it relaxes me.

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Artwork by Ruben Jasso

Beauty and the Beast

I’m The real Ruben Jasso I did not have any models for these drawings. Art takes a high place in my life. My challenges in art are to draw life like drawings oF things I can not see.I want to learn 3d perspective.

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Artwork by Marlene Martin

My Handsome grandson Ryder

I have been drawing/painting for the last 30+ years. Art provides a freedom of expression in a very special way. I have attended various courses over the past 30 years and I am now working solo as a new stage in my life.

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Hard Thinking

Artwork by Charles Gilliam

I was born into a military family. This offered ME an opportunity to travel and see much of this country. These travels afforded ME a great source of materials on which I have based my illustrative works; and provided me insight into his new vocation, writing. With three children of my own, I have only added to my resources for illustrations and writings. Plus, many years of working as a professional illustrator and graphic designer, I have found myself in a position of determining images and words to sell an idea.

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