On 7 May, 2020 With
Story and artwork from Francisco Palma
Thanks for the opportunity to compete for your drawing course. I am electro mechanical technician, 69 years old, living in a farmhouse at two hours from Guatemala City, enjoying the ambient of the trees and the birds singing, but a little far from the places where I could be learning to improve my drawing ability. I take care of 6 dogs that I have adopted from the street, and make a little work taking care of the trees and insects that are disappearing in other areas. How? Not destroying their habitat, simple.
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On 5 May, 2020 With
Story and artwork from Manu
Ever since my childhood, all I ever wanted was to be an artist. I could spend hours just drawing or colouring, and would become totally lost in a world of my own. Art has been a major source of inspiration and joy in my life. So much so that, I would enjoy doing anatomical drawings in my biology class and would do them for my friends in their practical books, as well!
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On 3 May, 2020 With
Story and artwork from Jerome Nicolas
My name is Jerome Nicolas, 33, a self-taught artist from the Philippines. Art has always been in my veins. As a boy, the moment I wake up, I will run in front of our yard, pick a stick and draw on the ground – anything I could think of, from fruit, people and animals.
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On 3 May, 2020 With
Story and artwork from Jerem Wylie/ Warpony
My name is Jeremy Wylie but I sign my work as WarPony. Art is my life. Im pretty much self taught except for classes at school and a few classes that I did through home correspondence. Im trying to get my work noticed and want to do nothing else but create. Ive begged for work and tried a go fund me page to help me start my own business but It didn’t work.Im a single father who has 3 sons and a daughter. My daughter lives with me and I need to be able to work from home and set my own hrs.
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On 2 May, 2020 With
Story and artwork from Diane Ferrer
After losing the art award to my best friend in high school, I choose a different path for my career. In 2004, I enrolled my mother and myself in an art class as a way to get her out of the house. She enjoyed it, but I was hooked. Over the next several years, I attended art workshops while working full time. When I retired two years ago, I was ready to get serious about my art.
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On 2 May, 2020 With
Story and artwork from Karen Dean
Hello, my name is Karen Dean, from Nova Scotia, Canada. I have recently retired and rediscovered art, and have started attending weekly life drawing sessions as my way of reactivating my passion for both drawing and painting. As I expose myself to new ideas and challenge myself to learn, I am discovering how important art is to me, both as a catalyst to know myself and to share with the world.
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On 2 May, 2020 With
Story and artwork from Cherie Gillette
I’m a mum of two, and work as a nanny.
I have always wanted to be a full time artist and feel it’s what I should be doing with every ounce of my being.
Art is in everything I see. I imagine drawing or painting people, places and things I see every day. I look at the shadows, the textures and effects that could be made with light and shadows. I want to learn to draw everything I see and feel and show the beauty of of life through fine art.
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On 2 May, 2020 With
Story and artwork from Jacob Francis Mwasumbi
Jacob is just a simple name and it doesn’t matter how much simple and easy to remember it but still someone could tell a story about his/her path in life. I love art. I can draw, paint and do other visual arts somehow this is according to how much I have experienced so far. To tell the truth I haven’t learned much in art myself, but some time back I used to teach in schools, and then I had to work hard looked and asked around what really the curriculum expected from the students. In following that I became a part of my students.
Reading the suggested books, practicing by putting myself in their shoes, making them understand the principles and elements of art and design. It really helped me learn and made them improve a lot.
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On 29 Apr, 2020 With
My name is Spasici Claudiu and i’m an ordinary middle age family man living in Romania. After passing all the stages as a member of society (school, career, family, kids) I’ve come to the point in my life where all those achievements doesn’t say anything about who I really am as a person, but rather to whom I was expected to be.
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On 27 Apr, 2020 With
Story and drawing from Anthony W Hillick
I am 59 year accounting professional who deliberately stopped drawing in my early teens as all my fellow pupils were more skilled than me.
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