The Art Journey of Jerome Nicolas

The Art Journey of Jerome Nicolas

Story and artwork from Jerome Nicolas

My name is Jerome Nicolas, 33, a self-taught artist from the Philippines. Art has always been in my veins. As a boy, the moment I wake up, I will run in front of our yard, pick a stick and draw on the ground – anything I could think of, from fruit, people and animals.

As I continued my art journey, I had unhealthy perception about it. As young artist, I heard people say that if you copy pictures, trace a drawing, use tools, you are an inferior artist. So I grew up making art all from my imagination. I was also joining on the spot art competitions so I am used to speed drawing and rushed works. I also had weak points in human anatomy. I felt that I never needed the basics and I get just sail through my art life. BUT, I am unlearning all these and I am getting inspired by professionals and learn from through free contents on YouTube. Creature art speaks to me so much because I love animals, dinosaurs and monsters. Though I also have passion for character and fantasy/concept art.

I cannot afford to go to expensive art schools which would have been my first choice in college if only I had the financial means. In 2019, I dedicated much time in learning figure drawing from free online videos, websites and books and I am happy with the progress I made. I know I still have a lot of work to do but my drawings of people are looking much better than before.

I decided to put everything I learned in this art collection I call Angelus based on the book I read by Wayne Dyer. I will not stop to shed off all the unhealthy art behaviors I had along the way and will work hard to be the best artist I can be. The ultimate destination is the best artist that I can be but the journey getting there is what makes it worth taking. There will be ups and downs, lots of challenges and learning, but then all those will help me get to my destination with a brave and thankful art.

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